The supernatural being known as The Stench is the premier paranormal purveyor of sinister smells. Amazingly he was born Stefan Stank in the year 1939 in Nantes, France. Although the surname itself doesn’t mean wretched stink but rather a standing pool of water. Most likely stagnant in nature. Stefan was born with the psychokinetic power of Fragrance Manipulation with a strong emphasis on biological Stench Generation. At a young age, he became fascinated by making people suffer and even become physically sick via sickening scents. This was seriously seen when young Stefan took a dump so wretched that they had to evacuate his elementary school! In the process, most of the students suffered from varying degrees of sickness while the Janitor died! The Principal recalled seeing Stefan laughing hysterically under an oak tree being the only one who wasn’t barfing.
The Alarming Amplification Of Acrid Aromas
This Stench Prodigy has the awful ability to amplify his body odor, bad breath, fart gases, and an armada of other alarming aromas. Stank’s flatulence is one of his greatest weapons as his ghastly gases can be terribly toxic along with zapping the oxygen out of a room. With an exponential increase in the smell comes excessive levels of hydrogen sulfide, methane, and carbon dioxide that could easily kill a person! This vile villain can also amplify the stank of other people near him to varying degrees. The Stench has also been known to power boost pleasant-smelling things such as cologne or perfume into something so strong that it induces headache and nausea in his victims. Generally, his stinky powers rely on a biological host having contact with the odor of origin. When his powers are in use his eyes glow a light shade of brown that almost looks orange. 👃
The Sinister Stefan Stank
Stinky Stefan also uses his stench generation abilities to raise money for various purposes. He can force people out of anywhere in seconds and then rob it of everything. He is also a hitman for hire who will take down anyone’s foes via felonious funk! Stefan has occasionally allied with The Plague Doctor by using aromas as a vector for disease. However, the high-class Doctor turns his nose down at the nasty homeless Stench and uses him sparingly only when necessary. Still, Stefan begs the Plague Doctor to let him in on the secrets of dark immortality as he pushes into his 80’s. He also strives to hone his powers to Absolute Stench Status!🤢
The Stench Cult
Indeed, Stefan does live as a traveling disheveled homeless man in large cities around the world with the most concentration of people amid repugnant rank. This filthy fiend loves skulking about sewers breathing in the toxic aroma of human waste! He has acquired enough money to live a grand life but it goes against everything he believes in. Most of the money is used to fund his perplexingly poisonous plots and the crazy Cult that supports him. Of course, every supernatural lunatic has a Cult and this one is full of the most disgusting people you could ever hope to meet.
Like Stefan, all cult members are expected to never take a bath, brush their teeth, or partake of any proper hygiene. Although he does provide mystical remedies so members stay in fighting shape and don’t find their teeth rotting out. The Stench and his foul followers are responsible for the recent celebrity-supported no-bathing movement in the name of preserving their skin’s precious microorganisms and despicable skin oils. Bathe responsibly and you’ll be just fine. Some of these celebs are secret cult members who bow to The Stench as their guru. If you know someone with noxious BO then the odds are good they are a cult member as well. Especially if they give the excuse that it’s good for their skin. Their ultimate end game is to return to the dark ages where nobody ever bathed or if they did it was once a year! They pray for a stench-ridden society polluted with blasphemous biological sewage.💩
The Stench Slayers

There is a small group of brave warriors known as Stench Slayers. They hunt down cult members and force them into showers and bathes soaping them up really good! Afterward, they make them put on freshly laundered clothing and begin the process of deprogramming. The hope is re-assimilation back into society to lead a normal clean and healthy life. So far, they haven’t gotten close to Stefan due to his overwhelming scent manipulation, superhuman strength, speed, agility, and senses. Their dream is to scrub this guy clean, give him a seriously close shave, and lock him away in a room devoid of scent. This sick puppy hasn’t bathed since the 1940’s!
Most of the Stench Slayers have either lost their sense of smell or wear protective gear. Although such gear can be forced off or have one little accidental crack that allows stinks to enter. Some have psychokinetic powers such as Stench Removal and Scent Shifting to combat The Stench and his followers ripe with rank stank! If you know someone with barf-worthy BO then urge them to take a shower and use some deodorant. If they angrily refuse then assume they’re a brainwashed Stench Cult member and contact a paranormal professional for help! If you spot The Stench himself then prepare to vomit or even die!🤮
The Stench Ties The Knot With The Stenchess

Stefan Stank finally found his soulmate when he entered unholy matrimony on May 19, 2023. One wonders how such a ripe catch like The Stench went so long without tying the knot? The maiden name of his wife is Eunice Kravitz but she’s now known as Stephanie Stank or The Stenchess. Stephanie is one of Stefan’s top disciples who shows great promise in the development of Stench Generation powers. As a child, she loathed bathing and fought against everyone trying to cover her natural body odor. Stephanie hasn’t seen the inside of a bathtub or shower stall since 1992! She’s also never been touched by a stick of deodorant in her entire life! I feel for all of you guys out there who missed out on this beautiful treasure of a woman! We can’t all be as handsome, charismatic, and aromatic as Stefan. Only a man of his caliber could snare a sweetheart like Stephanie! Not surprisingly The Stench’s spent their honeymoon in the largest garbage dump on Earth. The Apex Landfill near Las Vegas, Nevada where they got married in the secretive Chappel Of Dark Love.🖤
Mystic Investigations Blasphemous Barfing Brush With The Stench
We were in attendance at the First International Para-Con(Paranormal Investigators Conference) in Paris, France from February 14th through the 21st of 2014. Thankfully, we made it through Valentine’s Day without meeting Stefan. However, on February 15th some of our paranormal investigations team were enjoying the sights of Paris when we noticed a serious stink infesting the air. People for at least a block were gagging and barfing. Our team has dealt with horrifying smells in the past. Especially when it comes to sulfurous haunted houses. Unfortunately, this sinister stank was seriously off the stench scales! We determined that the offending odor was coming from the sewer. Only our Executive VP Vampire Drake Alexander and Demi-Zombie Ashley Abercrombie could venture into the darkness below unassisted as they were mostly immune to the stench. Our resident witch and Demi-Mermaid Rebecca Abernathy used her potion kit and a spell to make things less unpleasant so the rest of us could follow.
We assumed we would be dealing with some kind of sewer monster. Although we had knowledge of Stefan Stank, aka The Stench, he wasn’t really on our supernatural radar. We soon heard chanting as candlelight glimmered down the concrete corridors of the sewer system. We peered around the corner and saw The Stench himself with about a dozen or so of his cult members. The chilling chamber they were in wreaked of human waste, BO, and all manner of sickening smells. Two people lie dead nearby. They appeared to be cult members who couldn’t take the stench. Stefan was babbling on in French about making the world his personal toilet as he pointed to some diagrams hanging on the wall. He spoke of plans to let loose a flurry of stink bombs in Paris that would bring the entire city choking to their knees. At that moment two cult members forced a struggling woman wearing a mask onto an altar of some type.
Stefan declared that the woman would be sacrificed in the name of the Roman God Of Odor Sterquilinus. He ripped her mask off and she began gagging as The Stench laughed and said, “Ah yes! Take a fresh whiff mon amour!” Our team burst in and started kicking rank rear left and right! The Stench screamed, “Destroy the intruders!” Amid hand-to-hand contact with the BO ridden cultists they attempted to lop stinky substances upon us. Drake got to the woman and punched Stefan across the room. Read The Rest Of This Story On Our Adventures Of Mystic Investigations Blog…
The Infamous BO Episode Of Seinfeld
The video above features highlights of an episode of Seinfeld called “The Smelly Car“. You can watch this 20th episode of Season 4 online[Ad]. The attendant in the red jacket is a representation of a proud Stench Cult member who has worked diligently to build his body odor to the point that it can be spread to other people and locations. The art of rank stank spreading is a key practice within the crazy cult. The goal of every cult member is to make their stench take on a life of its own and live on even after their death. In sitcom form it’s funny but in real life, it is no laughing matter!🧐
😷This article is dedicated to all who selfishly refuse to partake of proper bodily hygiene thereby making all around them suffer! Even leaving a stench behind! You know who you are! Oh, and please make sure you put on clean clothes as well. Thank You!😡
📰Related News: The Stench Takes Credit For Stinking Up Prince Harry’s Neighborhood. Mainstream media says a bird sanctuary is to blame.
🦨Related Links: Celebrities Who Refuse To Take A Bath! | Buy Body Wash[Ad] | Rumored Wife Of Stefan Stank Named Stella Stank | Buy Deodorant[Ad]