There are various levels of Gods, and Goddesses such as Earthly Gods (Nature Deities, Egyptian, Celtic, Greek, Roman, etc.), Planetary Gods (Mother Earth Gaia), Star Gods, and even Galaxy Gods. Little is known about Galactic Gods since we only know a bit about two in the entire Universe. The God of the Milky Way Galaxy is named Orbislacteus. The God is neither male nor female, and displays no gender specific traits that we know of. Just as the Goddess Gaia was spontaneously born from the complex biosphere of the Earth so to does our Galaxy form a Galactic soul from thousands of life bearing planets. The collective consciousnesses of the various planetary Gods and Goddesses create a neural network made up of the interconnected collective consciousness of the biological beings who live upon a wide array of planets . From that a non-corporeal consciousness formed, and Orbislacteus became self aware millions or perhaps even billions of years ago.
Ancient advanced societies such as Lemuria, and possibly Atlantis, knew of the Milky Way Galaxy. Some ancient evidence indicates they may have worshiped the Galactic God. They also knew about the Andromeda Galaxy which has a God as well, and indicates there must be many planets where life exists there. Even less is known about Andromeda. Unfortunately past civilizations have been lost to history, and are generally only taken seriously by those of us in the supernatural community. One spell of witchcraft exists listing this Gods name from many thousands of years ago. However it wasn’t until recently that anyone knew who the God actually was. It’s unknown if Orbislacteus actually dispenses power to those who call upon his Galactic Soul for power.
Some of the Earthly Gods may have known about Orbislacteus. Certainly Gaia, and other planetary Gods, and Goddesses should have awareness of the God Of The Milky Way. It’s unknown if
he or she is looked upon as the God of Gods, or if any Gods actually partake of Galactic worship themselves. It seems Orbislacteus keeps a low profile or is too weak to actually reign over the beings in the millions of star systems within the Galaxy. It’s not even fully know what the level of self-awareness is within the collective consciousness of the Milky Way. However the intelligence should be phenomenal like that of the greatest AI computer ever conceived of. Perhaps Orbislacteus merely collects the information of the ages, and doesn’t have much of a hand in the destiny of our Galaxy. After all the evolution of life had to take place before they could exist, and planetary Gods are usually the ones who direct such things. He could however be responsible for countless forms of spacial phenomenon including dark matter, dark energy, stars, nebula’s, quasars, black holes, and more!
Our hypothesis based on the limited data indicates that entering the black hole within the center of our galaxy might yield a direct meeting with Orbislacteus. However good luck on ever leaving said black hole.
Hello Xavier. 🙂 Yes I love the Milky Way! I’ve always been drawn to anything to do with it. Just seems like a place to go when the big bang happens again! 😉 My idea of the Milky Way is being connected with my self and true soul mate. I don’t know why I feel that way.. It’s just romantic. 🙂
I’ve never heard of Orbislacteus. I even tried to google some information on him. And found nothing other than saying he’s the definition to the Milky Way! 🙂 Great work on this Xavier. Now the black hole is pretty strong! It can destroy any galaxy in it’s path. Perhaps he is the god of destruction as well? Would you say he’s more towards the dark or light? Just curious. I was thinking perhaps towards the dark side. I’ll never know.
Have a great weekend. I’ll be driving to La Crosse to pick up a birth certificate. Fun. 😉 4hr drive.
Drake I also hope you were able to create an account at my site. I looked through my security and clicked off the requirement to have an email listed. I hope it works for you! 🙂 I’m sure Gaia would know Mr. Orbislacteus? Perhaps they go way’..way back! Would be nice to know some of the secrets to the grand universe huh. 😉 Sweet dreams.
Information on Orbislacteus has been lost over the ages, and he certainly isn’t known in mainstream society so it would be difficult to find any information on him. Thank God we have access to all those ancient scrolls, and tablets that usually end up in museum basements.
Scientists think just about every galaxy has a black hole in the center. Either the mass of the galaxy collapses space, or maybe galaxies just naturally form around black holes that slowly suck in everything in the space around them. If there is darkness I think the God or Goddess of the Andromeda Galaxy is the darkest since it’s crashed into other Galaxies, and is set to crash into our Milky Way in four billion years. Maybe it’s a geriatric God based on how slow it moves. 🙂
As for Orbislacteus we just don’t know enough about him. Perhaps he was more widely worshiped on some other planet but not so much here. The Earthly Gods dominated for a long time. I think we could learn a lot more about him through these Gods, and Goddesses. Gaia definitely should know him.
Yeah this is the first I’ve ever heard of Orbislacteus.. Perhaps he’s also, chosen to be reborn? I sometimes wonder about the gods and goddess’s. What if they all have been reborn as mortals and have amnesia? That would explain why so many bad things have been happening and no god to stop it. Only a theory. I don’t think the gods would abandon us. I’m sure they have a good reason why they have not stepped in yet!
That’s not going to be fun when that comes around to us. Yikes! 😉 Do you think we’ll all still be evolved and on this planet by then? lol I wonder what we’ll look like. Thanks for that link too! Have a good night!
I think we’ll be Gods in four billion years. Perhaps we’ll have a new evolved race worshiping us on Earth. A discovery channel program called “The Future Is Wild” had Octopus evolving into sentient land creatures. Then naturally we’d have to appear as Octopus Gods. 🙂 Of course in four billions years the sun will be almost a red giant burning the Earth to a cinder. Maybe we’ll reset the sun, and save Earth.
As for our Gods now many lie in a dark void due to lack of belief, and worship by humans. Some saw their demise, and took physical form. Others who have survived with full Godly powers intact are bidding their time until the right moment. For now demonic, and angelic forces halt any major plans.
[…] the course of the planets to such a degree. They are controlled by an unseen force. Perhaps the Galactic God Orbislacteus but ultimately the Omniverse God most likely has charted a destiny for all in our Universe. […]
Does Heqet still have her full powers along with Khumn?