February 22, 2025
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12 years ago

I found this very interesting. Drake was this intense for you? You did it for science. Very cool!!! -Vampires are very durable. They take a liken and keep on ticken. 😉 Are you like the energizer bunny? lol Just keep going & going. I hope I get to meet you some day in person.

Drake Alexander
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

Those of us with supernatural DNA, living dead in particular, can defy just about anything Mother Nature, or science can throw at us.

12 years ago

That’s a good thing. Maybe Vampires and Werewolves are here to defend the planet from the evil aliens who wish to take us over. I like to believe so. If the sh** ever hits the fan. We all have to come together including all the rednecks with there shot guns 😉 Shouldn’t joke about it. But if it happens I know I’ll be fighting.

Drake Alexander
12 years ago
Reply to  whitewolf

I suspect if there was an alien invasion from someone other than the Reptilians, and the Greys then everyone, good, and evil, would band together to repel them. Those are the two alien species that are allied with the Illuminati.

12 years ago

I wonder what’s going to happen in the end. Future! If they’ll actually make it here. If I have anything to do about it they won’t. Because I saw what will happen if they do. They’ll show absolutely no remorse for anyone! Very bad aliens. They split up our families. They don’t care. Like how the Jews were treated by Hitler. Scares me allot if they ever do succeed.

Deshring Daulaguphu
Deshring Daulaguphu
12 years ago

mr.drake i want to become a vampire……………….. pls turn me ! bring me to this eternal life……… pls mr. drake alexander………………. TURN ME !

Drake Alexander
12 years ago

I’m sorry but the only people I’ve ever transformed have been those I know very well, and love. It’s not something I enter into lightly. Also living in the eternal dark shadows, and living off blood isn’t as glamorous as it seems. If it’s something you really want then you should frequent night clubs, and other nocturnal social venues where vampires tend to hang out as they seek their human prey.

Deshring Daulaguphu
Deshring Daulaguphu
12 years ago

cmon MR. Drake if i get bitten by a stray or unknown evil vampire then whats the use of getin bitten up. I want to get bitten by a good vampire like you, who is just him but not not what he became. mr. drake u dont know how much i admire you….. pls…. mr. drake turn me.. or do u want to meet me, huh ? or should i get bitten by queen enheduanna,the one who brought you back to this earth in transylvannia.. if you dont want to turn me its ok.. but atleast queen enheduanna will right ? cuz she only drinks the blood of the people who wants to turn themselves right….. or please mr. drake u turn me.. whats the harm in fulfilling someones good desire huh ! :O

Drake Alexander
12 years ago

I agree with Rebecca. These are personal things that are apart of our private lives. It’s a rare thing to turn someone into a vampire. I wouldn’t even turn Rebecca or my other friends if they asked. It just doesn’t feel right to me. Turning a human into a living dead creature only happens under special situations. I’m sorry I can’t help you but like Rebecca said if it’s meant to be then fate will prevail, and your destiny will be realized someday.

Drake Alexander
12 years ago

Most vampires are discriminating about who they sire. So unfortunately Enheduanna wouldn’t turn a stranger into a vampire. Hopefully fate will intervene, and you will meet the vampire that is right for you.

12 years ago

Lol Deshring. How long have you given this a serious thought? Becoming a Vampire is a huge decision. Since it’s forever! And as Drake stated, it’s not as glamorous. What if you run out of blood and are starving? What will you do? The man I choose to turn into a werewolve turned bad. So I know I’ll never do this again! I knew him for 3 years. Put yourself in Drake’s shoes. If you lose control Deshring, He’ll feel responsible for any wrong you might commit upon any innocent humans. Good luck on finding the right vampire to bite you! I do agree with you though. Drake is the best! I would also choose him if I were ever get bitten. 🙂

Deshring Daulaguphu
Deshring Daulaguphu
12 years ago

eheheahahahahahahhahaha ! sorry dude………… i aint changing my decision ! i want to become vampire means i will……. i dont care what dt guy turned…. bt i only know is that i can control myself…… that too if drake bites me then il atleast be on the good side and besides werewolf ! is not ma style…. dr virus myt hav some defect.. 😀 So MR. DRAKE pls turn me u wont regret turning me…..ul b proud to bring such a strong vampire into your organisation and dat i can betya….pls.. MR.DRAKE….. TUURNN MEEE ! 🙂

Deshring Daulaguphu
Deshring Daulaguphu
12 years ago

m not a stranger how can i be afterall m in your website…… mr. Drake i guess you wont turn anyone unless you meet me right ? ok, we will meet just pls tel me the place and il be there the next year because il be passing out my 12th class :). or else if u cant turn me then atleast show me supernatural power …. pls.. that’l be enough for me… please mr. drake………….. :’)

12 years ago

Deshring.. -Don’t you want to wait a bit longer? Until you’re older and have a family etc? If you this young.. You have a life ahead of you! 🙂 I wish you luck though.

7 years ago

This is probably going to sound dumb to everyone, but I’d like to go through a similar experiment. Not necessarily up to absolute zero, but up to as cold as I can handle. I kind of like to test my limits.

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