February 22, 2025
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12 years ago

Well what if the Illuminati’s master plan back fires on them? Since we could get hit by 3 meteorites. Which would cause destruction on a mass scale. Then we’d have to try and populate once again. This is what I’ve seen in the future! I also seen vampire royals in the Arctic Ice. Fighting because they were starving. No more humans to feed upon. I seen this a while ago! Hoping it was only a nightmare. It seriously scares me. The scariest part for me.. was I was a vampire. Sitting in a corner watching the others fighting.. snarling at each other.. I was debating on just ending my life and walk into the sun. I hope it never ends this way. I just try to enjoy each day .. year as I can.

12 years ago

They had a place in the Arctic. I remember seeing it clear as day. Built into it. Is there any truth to this?

12 years ago

Xavier I also agree with you! We should be on Mars and the moon by now! We have the technology and man power to get us there. They are going to need a safe haven to go to if this ever happens. I think the Vampires should take over the Illuminati. We’d be there by now.

12 years ago

I wish Duanna would hop online sometime. 🙂 I’d love to meet her. She’s probably wondering how you knew about it. I just see things. I hope by telling you all. I can stop some of these disasters from happening or at least letting the Vampire society know to be even more prepared for this delema. From what I have seen.. Our world goes into another snowball effect! Killing off so much of our life on this planet! Let Duanna know they don’t have enough! From what I have seen they run out of blood. And I’m sure they fight because of the scary situation we are in. That alone is enough to drive anyone into a panic situation. I don’t want this to happen. But if it does.. be prepared even more! I know she took a liking to you Xavier 😉 I just hope she’s not upset at me for talking about this here. I am not trying to give up there location. Just a friendly warning that what they already have stored won’t be enough. Thank you for calling her Xavier. Yeah that guy must have been winded. lol

The Illuminati are purely insane. They’ve lost there minds to think they even deserve life on this planet. For there crimes upon our planet. I hope Earth or Gaia’ comes to life and smashes them all. I only pray there will be some trees, wilderness & Good humans left to populate our planet.. if this happens.

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