The usual Snow or Ice Moon of February has been canceled within the world of the supernatural. This month’s Moon will be known as The Saintly Spring Moon. This is only one of a handful of times in paranormal history that February has produced a Spring Moon. Many areas are experiencing an ultra-early Spring with the warmest winter temperatures seen in a long time! Saint Valentine, Saint Patrick, and Saint Egbert, aka The Easter Bunny, have joined together into a titanic trinity. Together they have allied with the Spring deities of Earth to take command of this lunar cycle. Although the Angels of Heaven generally consider the gods and goddesses of Earth to be their enemies, The Saints have been far more open to working with them against the demonic forces of darkness.🌕
The Trinity Of Seasonal Saints
With Easter falling early within Saint Patrick’s Season there was a paranormal power boost in their collective Holiday Spirits that allowed them to metaphysically manifest within the Valentine’s Season. The Saintly Trinity decided to send an olive branch forth to Spring deities to bring about an early end to winter as a gift to humankind. These deities introduced a supernatural surge since the Spring Equinox falls perfectly balanced in between Saint Patrick’s Day and Easter. Naturally, Jack Frost and various other Winter Gods and Goddesses are none too pleased. However, various Kings and Queens of the Earthly Gods have assured Jack and the other Winter “Powers That Be” their time to shine will come to pass in future years. In other words, the Winter from Hell lies ahead in the coming decade!❄️ Read The Rest Of The Paranormal Activity Forecast…🐺