Fourth Of July Kentucky Horror!

It was late evening on Independence Day of 1962 as some content newlyweds enjoyed the distant fireworks show from the backyard of their new home. The glorious light show reflected off the river as sounds of happy people and firecrackers echoed in the distance. The woods of rural Kentucky were a magical place amid the … Read moreFourth Of July Kentucky Horror!

Alien Abduction Halloween Costume

 This Halloween capitalize on the paranormal craze that’s been sweeping the nation since the infamous 1947 Roswell Incident. Those pesky green aliens obsessed with abducting humans for their unusual experiments. The TOLOCO Inflatable Alien Costume[Ad] enables you to duplicate that special spooky extraterrestrial abduction magic. Simply step into the polyester suit inflated by a … Read moreAlien Abduction Halloween Costume

The Microwave Monster

The Microwave Monster is the sinister story of a dormant shape-shifting extraterrestrial who arrived on Earth in the early 2000’s.  It traveled from the Andromeda Galaxy as a shapeless black blob in stasis within a small capsule-like ship that took over 20,000 years to get here through various sub-space wormhole passages. It plummeted to Earth … Read moreThe Microwave Monster

The Thing Is The Perfect Halloween Movie

The Thing” Starring the beautiful Mary Elizabeth Winstead is a prequel to the 1982 John Carpenter film of the same name.  In the film, a science research team discovers a crashed alien vessel beneath the Antarctic ice.  A seemingly dead alien is found and ends up being revived.  The shape-shifting monster has the ability to take the … Read moreThe Thing Is The Perfect Halloween Movie