Enchanted Elves Who Don’t Make Toys
North Pole City is considered the Capital of not only Christmas but all that is supernaturally good on Earth! The Demi-Angel Santa Claus is the de facto leader of the…
Has Santa Claus Met The Spirit Of Christmas?
The Spirit Of Christmas, like all holiday spirits, is a non-aware entity that is a sub-conscious component of the human collective consciousness. So it isn’t like a standard spirit, ghost,…
Fraggle The Enchanted Elf
Santa Sends An Executive Elf To Run Mystic Investigations The executive staff at Mystic Investigations works hard all year running the office, conducting paranormal research projects, and battling the forces…
Santa Penguins March Forth For Christmas
Adorable Penguins in Japan spread the Spirit Of Christmas forth in good cheer. The merriment of the little fellas dressed as Santa Claus brings joy to all! On Penguin falls…
How Fast Does Santa Claus Travel?
Angels in biological form can actually move at the speed of light! The closer they are to this speed the more their physical form begins to phase into a pure…
Who Is The Santa Claus Of The Marvel Universe?
Santa Claus might possibly be the most powerful Mutant in the Marvel Universe. In our reality Father Christmas is thought to be the most powerful biological being on Earth due…