In order to maintain balance within The Spirit Of Christmas one lucky family must be chosen from outside the supernatural world each year. This is due to the fact that it’s easy to believe in Santa Claus when you can casually visit…
Jack Frost, sometimes called Old Man Winter or Father Winter, is the literal original personification of Winter on Earth. This makes him the Chief Winter God, and Grand Master Of Cryokinesis on Earth. He was worshiped as a God by various human…
The movie “Elf“, Starring Will Ferrell, is the story of an orphaned human baby who is raised as one of Santa’s Elves at the magical North Pole Capital Of Christmas. An unnamed celebrity in the paranormal community who is a regular guest of…
I’m Zack Powers, an employee at Mystic Investigations, and a high school student with several super human bionic implants. It was a dark Christmas after a blizzard caused the car accident that took my parents to Heaven and turned me into a…