I repeat he has indeed turned to the dark side. It became all too apparent when he began embracing the Illuminati, and their false facade of goodness. He believes they are good people who want to bring peace to the planet through a one world government New World Order when in fact they want to eradicate most of humankind so only their bloodlines live on. The Evil Eclipse, or Dark Eclipse, is a deeply misguided individual, and was most likely bewitched by top Illuminati operatives who sought to corrupt, and utilize his awesome Omnimagic powers. Now his powers are a threat to all of us as he stands firmly with the globalist plutocrats who are in league with demonic forces. We fear for the dark journey ahead of the Evil Eclipse, and pray for God to have mercy on his eternal soul. If you spot Dark Eclipse please contact Mystic Investigations, or the nearest paranormal investigations firm, for help in apprehending this new nefarious force of darkness upon are sainted Earth. Do not attempt to approach him as he is armed with Omnimagics, and is quite dangerous! There is no known defense for Omnimagic except for Omnimagic itself. Please stay indoors, and pray he doesn’t blast the walls of your home away in a rage!
If you think this is scary, try having a group of therianthropes (werecreatures) and trying to control them. My pack is restful for now. It may not be so, in the future.
Is your pack full of varying werecreatures such as Werecats, Werewolves, Werelizards, etc? We are friends with a Werewolf pack of Native Americans a few towns over. They handle any supernatural evils in their community as we do in Woodland Springs.
Yes, it is. As of today we have 221 members. It is a large pack, and I am one of the two Betas of it. That means I am second in command.
I hope they’re forming this super werepack for the purposes of good?
I’m afraid that it may not be for good if his post in the forums are anything to go by. He has said that the innocent wouldn’t be harmed but I’m not sure what his definition of innocent is. Things could get ugly fast.
It sounds like he, and his Werebrothers are bitter about their treatment from various humans. I really hope he doesn’t have the belief that all people are evil.
Can show a werewolf?
Show werewolf cannot…might invoke Angelic forces to enforce pact of the supernatural secrecy. Also agents of a governmental nature might come a calling as well.