Valentine’s Day is the central holiday of love on Earth. It is the day the forces of good marshal forth The Spirit Of Love around the world in order to battle the forces of darkness. Of course the forces of darkness also fight back by warping love into something diabolical, and damaging! The leader of this February 14th paranormal holiday is an ascended human who became an Angel Saint named Valentine. The Heavenly Angelic hierarchy granted him permission to preside over Saint Valentine’s Day so the power of love would not spiral out of control or fall into the wrong hands.
They especially wanted to take over control from the various Earthly Love Gods, and Goddesses since Angels are at odds with all Gods other than their Lord Father, aka The Omniverse God. Although it’s not quite as bad a rivalry as they have with Demons. There’s even rumors that Saint Valentine has a secret romantic relationship with the Greek Goddess of Love Aphrodite who aids in powering the Spirit Of Love for the forces of light on Earth. Normally this would be blasphemy but humans promoting a person to Sainthood offers said person some amount of tolerance by the non-human Angels. Read More…