Genies are magically confined members of a race of beings known as Jinn. Jinn are immortal indestructible creatures created before humans and after Angels. Long before the concept of biological matter ever existed. In fact they were created before the existence of any physical Universe as we know it. They exist in an indescribable realm in the same space as ours that is out of sync with our space-time so they and their Universe are not visible to us and ours is not visible to them. Ancient texts state that they are composed of “Smokeless Flame” or “Scorching Fire”. However this might be ancient mans way of describing that they’re made of light and energy fused together with the fundamental forces of the Universe. In a way they’re like natural holograms which makes them similar to the supernatural beings known as “Travelers“. Although Travelers are almost always Angels or former humans who have reached the peak of free will.
Since Jinn are not composed of biological matter, it’s not as easy to deceive them about the state of their reality in order to keep them grounded in their Universe to lead their predestined lives. Jinn eventually access the pure thought that composes all reality and escape their Universe while phasing into ours. This always results in great havoc! Their powers of pure thought allowed them great magical abilities in our world. Attempts to destroy them with various magics failed as they proved to be indestructible. Ancient sorcerers and wizards from secret ancient civilizations pre-dating Mesopotamia, devised magical lamps and bottles to trap the Jinn. These magical prisons, composed of gold, silver, and alloys of known & unknown elements, were then placed in a special temple. However it was found that over time the tricky Jinn were able to use the power of pure thought, which is also the real foundation of magic, to escape their mystical confines. Further magics were imbued upon the lamps and bottles with the help of Angelic forces. Forces who revealed that in order to keep the Jinn confined they must be released every so often in a controlled manner. This controlled manner resulted in the granting of wishes. In addition a powerful spell keeping them in a fantasy reality within their prison distracts them from trying to escape. After this took place the trapped Jinn officially became the Genies we know of today. Read The Rest Of The Story…