Game Of Thrones is an HBO fantasy television series about the battle for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms. It features the political intrigue and dangerous lives of key characters who identify themselves as being members of noble Houses. It appears to take place in medieval times here on Earth at first glance. However, the map shown during the shows introduction clearly points to another planet or an Earth in a Parallel Universe with drastically differing geography. The Known World of the GOT reality appears to be what we would know as Europe, Eurasia, the Middle East with a hint of Africa.
Most of the action in Game of Thrones takes place in Westeros. Author of the series George R.R. Martin has stated that the continent of Westeros, meant to be an enlarged Great Britain, is roughly the same size as our continent of South America. There are also three other continents mentioned: Essos, Sothoryos, and Ulthos. In the show’s mythology, there is no known equivalent for The Americas, or The New World. If they created canon for it then it would lie beyond the Sunset Sea.
The Magical Game Of Thrones World
There are also blatant supernatural aspects to Game Of Thrones that wouldn’t have been seen so openly revealed in our own medieval history. This is courtesy of our Supernatural Secrecy Pact that more or less moved the paranormal world “underground”. Dragons had been slain from their planet much like ours until the birth of three new ones. The rebirth of dragons in our world would have caused Dragon Slayers to flock forth, and eradicate them with extreme prejudice!🐉
The Fireproof Mother Of Dragons

The Mother Of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen, cannot be burnt by fire which was witnessed by numerous people as she takes control of the fast-growing baby dragons. The witchcraft of their world seems to stay below the radar of the general public but the Alchemists produce paranormal substances like Wildfire. There are also the powerful paranormal creatures, known as The White Walkers, who are zombies of snow, and ice. In addition, the seasons of their planet last several years, and their length is unpredictable. It’s been suggested the cause is magical rather than astronomical in nature. In reality the existence of magic on their planet creates a metaphysical chaos that sends enchanted energy into the planetary core. This causes the axis to randomly tilt with no way to ever predict it.
Is Game Of Thrones Based On A True Story?
As with most works of fiction, they are real in various Parallel Universes, and Game Of Thrones is no exception. The similarities to our own Middle Ages culture suggest it’s an Earth in a parallel Universe where our planet’s geography and possibly cosmological location evolved differently. You can also take into consideration the vastness of our own Universe. With 100 billion galaxies, septillions of stars, and even more planets it’s quite plausible that another world could coincidentally be somewhat similar to ours complete with humans.
To get to the bottom of this mystery we consulted some of the top psychics, seers, mystics, extraterrestrial communicators, and Parallel Universe vision quest masters. In the end, we have found that Game Of Thrones actually exists not only in Parallel Universes on alternate Earths but also in our reality as well!
Game Of Thrones Is Real!
It seems The Game Of Thrones, as we know it, took place approximately 3 million years ago on a planet called Zemlja. The planet Zemlja is not only in a galaxy far far away but also in a different Galactic Supercluster as well. The Hercules Superclusters (Within The Hercules Cluster – A2151) some 500 million light-years away to be exact. The Supercluster Map above gives you an idea where the cluster is based on our own Virgo Galaxy Supercluster in the center of it.
Coincidentally Star Wars is real as well and takes place nearby in the Ophiuchus Supercluster. Our supernatural sources indicate that the GOT society advanced to the point of creating a grand galactic federation cooperating with other extraterrestrials in their region of space. Their mystical culture eventually met that of the Star Wars Jedi Force. Together they grew even greater! Eventually ascending to higher dimensional Godhood at least one million years ago. We now know that these Gods visited our Earth recently to have a part of their history told to us.
Why Does The Planet Zemlja Have Humans & Similarities To Ancient Earth Culture?
It’s the same reason why Star Wars has Humans as well. There are Human beings all over the Universe because the higher dimensional Gods who created them were once Human. There was once a Human homeworld where the first true human evolved. Those people eventually explored the Galaxies and Superculusters seeding planets to have similar evolution. Their very DNA implored them to have similar cultures to varying extents. Once the original Humans ascended to higher dimensional Godhood through technology they further tinkered with the history of various worlds thus accounting for other similarities. With Game Of Thrones, this includes the familiarity of the Middle Ages minus the grandiose nature of various forms of architecture and monuments. Not to mention the out-in-the-open enchanted elements.
Did Aliens Inspire Martin To Create Game Of Thrones?
The technologically ascended ET Gods may have influenced George R.R. Martin and inspired him to create Game Of Thrones. All in order to tell the story of a pivotal point in their ancient history. It’s thought that a variety of ascended alien societies psychically influence writers on various planets to tell their stories throughout the Universe! This was the case with George Lucas and Star Wars. Interestingly enough, it’s rumored that Martin lost his link to the ascended aliens which explains why he’s taking so long to finish the remaining GOT novels.
The True Ending Of Game Of Thrones!
This is why the last season and the series finale blew big time as they ran out of Martins material. In reality, Daenerys Targaryen became the benevolent Queen of the Six Kingdoms rather than going murderously nuts for no reason in the end. She redeemed her family name and royal lineage after the Mad King fiasco. The Seventh Kingdom of the North continued to be under the rule of King Jon Snow. Unlike our society, various supernatural secrets didn’t fade away as the modern technological era came to pass. On the Game Of Thrones world magic, alchemy, and science melded into one thus propelling their culture to an advanced state far faster than ours. Within 1000 years they were an interstellar species exploring their galaxy! [Watch Game Of Thrones Online Now…[Ad]
Games Of Thrones Spin-Off Idea…GOT: Arya At Atlantis
🧜♀️I’d like to see a Game Of Thrones spin-off with Arya Stark discovering the New World. Clearly, that was the intent with her setting sail into the great unknown of The Sunset Sea west of Westeros. Rather than finding only primitive indigenous people, Arya discovers a much more advanced civilization. Something akin to a pre-sunken human Atlantis who are at odds with the indigenous people they enslave. There are also Mermaids in the seas who are captured and experimented upon.
Atlantis is a deeply xenophobic society that has worked to keep its existence hidden from the rest of the world. Their stealthy explorers have secretly infiltrated Westeros and other societies to make sure they don’t become a threat to Atlantis. Although there is an even more ruthless faction of Atlantis that wants to take over the entire world! Arya ends up helping the various native cultures to revolt with the help of a sympathetic third Atlantean faction that wants the world to know about them. And yes this is actually what happened on the GOT planet according to The Reality Recognition Guild and their top-flight psychics!⛵️
Future History Of The New World
Arya becomes the Queen Of Atlantis and after word gets back to Westeros cartographers name it Aryaos in her honor. There is a surge in technology throughout the world. Unfortunately, a comet hits a mass of glaciers to the north which causes the Sunset Sea to rise enough to sink Atlantis under the ocean permanently. Queen Arya was nearing 100 years of age when it occurred. Some 300 years later colonists from Westeros who moved to the New World fought for their freedom in the Aryos Revolutionary War. They lost to the King Of Westeros. After another 150 years, a benevolent Queen and Parliament finally gave the colonists independence. The new nation was called The United States Of Aryaos. These Aryaosians became the prominent superpower of the planet within 200 years! In the harbor of their Capital is a giant statue of Arya. As Queen Of Atlantis, she kept the peace between Westeros and Aryaos. She supported the liberty of the Aryaosian people!
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