The Planet’s Largest Super Soaker!

This monstrous bad boy of a super soaker delivers maximum mayhem when dealing with denizens of demonic darkness. When loaded with holy water blessed by a certified priest of most religions, you have yourself one hell of a paranormal repellant! No longer will hordes of vampires, werewolves, and other demonic based beings direct ferocious fright … Read moreThe Planet’s Largest Super Soaker!

The Bubonic Black Plague Of Death Personified

The notorious Black Death that ravaged 14th-century Europe was a supernatural biological warfare experiment. A heinous horror perpetrated by none other than the master of death & disease, The Plague Doctor! We’re not talking about the ones who helped people through the Black Plague. We’re talking about the dark immortal who spread disease with glee! … Read moreThe Bubonic Black Plague Of Death Personified

The Office Management Maelstrom Poem

A poem for those in office management or any position of pressurized power… Office swimming in turmoil, Swaying you toward tin foil, All gaze upon you for hope, yearning to toss them a rope, you wish for sanity if only a glint, Well here it is your chocolate mint!🍫 By Xavier Remington | Mystic Poetry Portal … Read moreThe Office Management Maelstrom Poem