CNN News Crew Attacked By Demonic Poltergeists

Some shocking evidence of paranormal activity is seen in the CNN news story above.   A camera man felt a burning sensation, and received a scratch on his arm.  A reporter felt invisible entities touching, and pinching her.  These are just a few of the disturbing events in this haunted house that was apparently the site of various grizzly murders.  Clearly this home has become a metaphysical vortex leading into some dark astral realms resting above the surface of Hell itself!  The house is a ticking supernatural time bomb that various paranormal professionals haven’t been able to solve.  The only solution is to vacate, and burn the place in blessed holy fire with holy oil as the fuel. Unfortunately the owners still feel their financial well being is more important then their physical safety.  It’s a fair bet the poltergeist activity will steadily increase to more violent proportions, and they will have no choice but to vacate.

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