Forever Knight was a television series from the early 1990’s in which an 800-year-old vampire cop named Nick Knight. He looks to repay society for his past sins which were courtesy of his rampant blood lust. In the 13th episode of Season 1 titled “Father Figure“ Nick has a flashback to air-bombed WW II London, England. A homeless boy with a cockney accent named Daniel steals Janette’s purse but Nick catches him. He and Janette take a parental interest in the boy by bringing him into their vampire trio which includes their master LaCroix. LaCroix doesn’t seem very interested and perhaps is even a bit jealous at the attention the child is getting. However, he knows Janette wants him, and tells Nick of his intent to transform the boy into a vampire as an “experiment”. Nick compels the boy to run away but somehow LaCroix gets a hold of him later on and brings him across into the eternal darkness much to Nick’s chagrin.
The Fate Of The Vampire Daniel
Forever Knight is known for Nick’s memory flashbacks to past events amid the main story of the episode. This has to be the most unresolved flashback of the entire Forever Knight series! The last we see is the vision of Daniel as depicted in the image above. Most likely we might have gotten an answer if Forever Knight lasted beyond three seasons. No doubt changing networks didn’t help. So what happened to this vampire child? Clearly, he either left to go off on his own, or died since Daniel is never seen, or mentioned, in any form on the show except this one episode. This kid looks like trouble. Especially his smart-ass demeanor after the transformation to vampire. It would also be conceivable that a kid wouldn’t have much self-control over the urges of blood lust, and murder.
I’m sure Nick, and Janette tried to continue playing house with the kid but he obviously wasn’t a sweet little boy anymore. He strikes me as being deeply influenced by the diabolical LaCroix who had a knack of being a smart-ass. LaCroix enjoyed playing mind games with Nick due to his quest to become human again. I’m sure at some point Nick, and even Janette got tired of the little brat. He may have even posed a danger of exposing the trio with rash behavior of brazenly attacking people and draining them of blood. Based on Nick conveying feelings of regret, and remorse I suspect he had to kill the kid to save some lives. Perhaps he went on a serial killing spree, and Nick had enough of this little LaCroix wannabe.
At least LaCroix had some restraint but this little punk probably went crazy without the maturity of an adult. The only other child vampire we saw was a young teen named Divia. She was LaCroix’s master and also his mortal child before he became a vampire. She was downright evil and monstrous in her actions. She had no issue with killing her own master and slaying several vampires who didn’t do a thing to her. She even had despicable carnal lust for LaCroix. Being even younger when he was turned into a vampire probably made Daniel even worse!
Real Child Vampires Are Big Trouble!
Unstable vampire kids don’t only exist on television but in this Universe as well. Children transformed into vampires have their sweet nature, and innocence warped into uncontrollable evil. Thankfully they have to be at least approaching their teens to be brought across as the innocent blood of children is poisonous to vampires. In fact, babies blood will kill a vampire. This is nature’s way of protecting the innocent from the scourge of paranormal evil. That being said, young children are transformed every so often by some fluke. When that happens all hell breaks loose and the mess is cleaned up and covered up by “The Powers That Be!” The most common child vampires are the ones naturally born that way from First Generation Royalty. Naturally, they’re raised how to be discreet from day one.
On a final note, the world of Forever Knight exists in another Parallel Universe as most television shows do. Just about every story is real in some Universe. You can watch the episode we discussed by typing “Forever Knight Father Figure” into YouTube. We’d embed or link to it but whenever we do that for a video it mysteriously gets deleted. If you have a different opinion on what you think happened to Daniel the kiddie vampire then reply to this post with your guess. You Can Also Watch The Forever Knight Episode Father Figure For Free On Roku…
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