ET Santa Claus & Extra-Planetary Christmas Deliveries

Are There Extraterrestrial Alien Santa Claus’s On Other Planets?

I, Saint Nicholas, was born upon this Earth as an Angel-Human Hybrid over 1,700 years ago. My Mother raised me as I psychically communed with my Heavenly Father. For the first 73 years, I lived as a human being to prove myself worthy of my complete Angelic powers. My home is Earth, and currently, I’m simply not meant to operate elsewhere. If for no other reason, the supernatural logistics would be astronomical at this time. That being said my Angel half calls the entire Universe home. Over my several centuries of existence, I have learned of alien worlds about the Milky Way Galaxy, and beyond! Indeed on other planets, Angel-Alien Hybrids have been born, and some have become the equivalent of myself where similar Christmas holidays exist. Clearly, The Spirit Of Christmas was meant to exist as an essential force of good in our reality!

Multiple Santa Claus’s Exist Everywhere Across The Universe & Beyond!

There are even repeats of myself that are like Parallel Universe versions of me. This is courtesy of the amazing vastness of our Universe. Mere random chance can cause the entire Earth and everyone on it to repeat far beyond the Universe that is visible to us. These other Santa’s in this and other Universes are in fact me. We share the same soul and through them, I see a great many things beyond our world. I’m able to visit these faraway places in my dreams and walk about their equivalent North Pole Cities in astral projection form. I’ve even traded places briefly with my other selves via quantum-entangled consciousness transfer. Recently we’ve begun extraterrestrial elf exchanges through paranormal portals with some advanced alien races! Read More At Santa Claus’s Website!🎅

By Xavier Remington | Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved MysticInvestigations.Com If you’re seeing this entire article on any other site besides Mystic Investigations then contact us immediately! Nobody has permission to copy our articles!

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