Hey folks! Xavier Remington here. President of Mystic Investigations. Me and Rebecca Abernathy have really decked out our home for Halloween, Remington Manor, to greet the little trick o treating ghouls with Halloween mock horrors. We feel just throwing out treats in a jack-o-lantern bucket isn’t enough. These greedy little candy goblins need to earn their treats and get a few tricks played on them as well.
The front yard is made to resemble a graveyard with various realistic looking customized Styrofoam tombstones. We ruined the lawn, and tilled the soil in front of them so the graves appeared freshly dug. A few were dug into the Earth and mock caskets were placed inside with motion activated animatronic props. There’s also a few robotic zombies half out of the soil as well. There’s a plethora of spooky lighting. Most of which is an eerie green which seems to blend nicely with the fog produced by our professional fog machine. The driveway will be blocked off so the trick o treaters have to make their way through our front graveyard. All the windows have creepy looking tattered curtains, cobwebs, fake spiders, and some blood spattering as well with unholy red rum lighting. One curtains is closed and a spotlight shines upon a moving figure walking back and forth clearly wielding a deadly butcher knife. The facade of the home is lit by an intermittent lightning simulator coupled with strategically placed stereo speakers to simulate terrifying thunder. In addition a light mist wafts down in front of the porch.
Trick or treaters are greeted by our hand carved candle lit jack-o-lanterns. Along with spider webs and fake spiders on the lights which are now actually black lights which make everything on the porch glow including the footprints of odd creatures, and outlines of ghosts. Webbing and a huge spider that moves down is also over the doorway. A motion sensor activates a squeaking rat that races across the porch just as a talking animatronic monstrous vampire leaps from a barrel inviting the kids inside our house of half-horrors. Naturally I will be at the entry as well explaining how the kids must find their way through our haunted house to collect various treats. The temptation of collecting multiple treats is what will make them want to explore our domain rather than run off to other homes in search of more candy. I plan to be dressed as Dracula complete with fangs, and make-up while Rebecca will be dressed as a witch since it’s the one time of year she can wear her uniform in public with pride as a practitioner of Wicca magic.
My next bewitching blog post will detail the inside of our masterpiece manor that took us nearly a month to decorate.