What Is Elf Dust And How Do Elves Breath?

Generally glittering dust that emanates from mystical creatures is a sign of enchanted magics at work. The most famous is of course Fairy Dust.  Something Fairies produce when flying, or utilizing their powers.  Elves hard at work or utilizing magics may produce Elf Dust from their hands. Walking can cause the dust to sparkle from their feet leaving a clear trail behind them.  These are in essence enchanted waste products caused by metaphysical energies being exerted in our physical world. If this was a perfect paranormal planet made of enchanted energies then dandy dusts of the supernatural sort wouldn’t exist! Read The Rest Of This Article On Our Paranormal Blog…

☢️Beware that some glittering and glowing substances can in fact be radioactive rather than supernatural. Although in some cases supernatural substances are radioactive. Thankfully, true Elf Dust is harmless to humans!

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