Valentine’s Day is the central holiday of love on Earth. It is the day the forces of good marshal forth The Spirit Of Love around the world in order to battle the forces of darkness. Of course the forces of darkness also fight back by warping love into something diabolical, and damaging! The leader of this February 14th paranormal holiday is an ascended human who became an Angel Saint named Valentine. The Heavenly Angelic hierarchy granted him permission to preside over Saint Valentine’s Day so the power of love would not spiral out of control or fall into the wrong hands.
The Control Of Love Among Angels, Gods, And Saints
The Angels of Heaven especially wanted to take over control from the various Earthly Love Gods, and Goddesses since Angels are at odds with all Gods other than their Lord Father, aka The Omniverse God. Although it’s not quite as bad a rivalry as they have with Demons. There are even rumors that Valentine has a secret romantic relationship with the Greek Goddess of Love Aphrodite who aids in powering the Spirit Of Love for the forces of light on Earth. Normally this would be blasphemy but humans promoting a person to Sainthood offers said person some amount of tolerance by the non-human Angels. There’s also the fact that human ascended Angels are destined to ascend to Godhood status someday!
Valentines Day: The Holiday Of Love
Saint Valentine is in charge of a special group of Angels known as Cupids. Their mission is to channel the Spirit Of Love, and metaphysically
manifest it around the world. Saint Valentines Day is the pinnacle of their paranormal quest to imbue love and harmony upon humankind. In some cases, it’s especially needed due to Dark Cupids, aka low-level demons who specialize in growing hatred in the hearts of humans. Sometimes they may merely weave the web of apathy to suffocate the flames of passion. While Cupids look to bring couples, friends, and family together, Anti-Cupids relish breaking up relationships of all sorts! That is why Valentine’s Day is also Anti-Valentine’s Day as both of these forces clash on February 14th.
Cupids Have Never Had To Work Harder In These Trying Times!
As with all things, at the end of the day a balance between darkness, and light generally occurs. However, Cupids have had their work cut out for them since November 2016. There has been continued hatred seen across the world in response to the Donald Trump Presidency. A greater amplification of a deeper political divide seen between conservatives and liberals since at least the year 2000. Something many supernatural beings haven’t seen since the civil unrest of the late 1960’s! Although, they also had a revolution of peace, and love which we’re seriously not seeing here! There’s also the fact that human history has never seen so many single people and those in a wide array of dysfunctional relationships! This is either a signal of the coming apocalypse or that there will be balance brought about in a future era of exceptional love and peace!
Dark Valentine’s Day!

Anti-Valentine’s Day, or Dark Valentines Day, is presided over by The Demon Of Hatred named Odite. On this day he is the Devils favorite demon. He ironically works in conjunction with the Roman Goddess Of Love Venus who now follows the path of dark twisted love. This can be seen in her physical body, the violent planet of Venus. Her jealousy of Goddess Gaia Mother Earth is part of the reason why she turned to the dark side. Her son Cupid is actually the Chief Dark Cupid holding a rare command position over Demons. He has a violent side he obtained from his Father Mars, the Roman God Of War, who rules over his own barren planet of despair. The goal of these misguided demons and gods is to foster the Spirit Of Hatred so Dark Valentine’s Day rules the world!
A Day Of Dynamic Love
On this day some may feel extra love, extra hatred, or the heavy fog of apathy weighing heavy upon their body, and soul. One’s mindset is key in repelling or attracting certain cupids, and humans as well. Embracing Anti-Valentine’s Day in a lighthearted manner can be a good release for relationship frustrations. However delving deeper into the dark side can cause Anti-Cupids to feed off your hatred, and bring dark luck upon you….or worse! There are also Succubus and Incubus afoot working in unison with Dark Cupids!
Be On Alert For Cupids Both Good And Bad!
All Cupids, good, or bad, will mostly perform their emotional handywork invisibly. Although some will take human form, both male, and female, to accomplish their missions. Beware if a mysterious stranger enters your life today. Trust your instincts! If you feel malevolence from the person then flee the scene ASAP for they could be a Cupid Of The Damned! If you feel an unusual attraction or general feeling of warmth from a complete stranger then they could be a Cupid of love. Embrace whatever they have to offer!
How To Repel Dark Cupids!
Besides good thoughts, Dark Cupids can be repelled by simply celebrating Valentine’s Day, and giving gifts in the name of love, and friendship. This will also strengthen the Spirit Of Love. There’s also the power of the religious symbology of your particular spiritual belief system. Symbols of love such as hearts. Ruby and silver heart jewelry with religious symbols on it are particularly powerful. Especially when blessed by a priest. Also, the Lamprocapnos, or Bleeding Heart Plant, and Roses can aid in repealing Anti-Cupids. Mixing them in blessed holy water can enhance the repellent effect. If you feel in immediate danger pray to Saint Valentine, or even Aphrodite, along with attempting to summon a Cupid to your location via the following spell:
The Summon A Cupid Spell
In the name of Saint Valentine, I call upon the Cupid of Love,
Your Dark Brothers of hatred have descended upon me,
Please come to my aid in peace like a dove,
I implore you in the name of love to heed my plea!
The Magic Of Love Spells And Potions
Valentine’s Day, like most supernatural holidays, brings out practitioners of magic in full
force looking to utilize metaphysical energies of love in their magical spells. The most powerful love, and hate spells take place on February 14th. These include potent potions that can deeply manipulate people into bending to their will. Some of these wondrous wielders of magic are rare witches, and warlocks of Love & Dark Love who may call upon their respective Cupid Masters for power. Magical Love, whether light or dark, in the hands of the inexperienced or destructive can lead to varying levels of mayhem! If you do nothing else on Valentine’s Day at least put any harbored hatred on hold. Especially those of you deeply angered by the current political climate. Karma wise it can only come back to haunt you later on!
Stay Safe, And In Love! Happy Valentines Day From Mystic Investigations!
Hypnotic Love Channeling Device