Wednesday Way Winds Wildly Within Wonderful Woods…
Through Thursdays Thankful Thoroughfare Thereby…
Fleeing To Fridays Fantastic Freeway Of Freedom…
Snaking Into Saturday Street’s Sweet Serenity…
Sliding Soundly Into Sundays Subway Slinking Seriously South…
Moving Into Melancholy Monday’s Madness Maneuvers Into…
Tuesday’s Titanic Turnpike Of Terror Tight Turns Toward…
Wonderful Wednesday Ways Wild Winding Woodland!😬
Oh my! Your life is a never-ending circular transportation network consisting of seven roadways! However, eventually, rough roadwork runs you on a declining detour down the dreaded Dead End!😮 Ah, Have A Wonderful Wednesday!🤣
#WednesdayWisdom #WednesdayMotivation #WednesdayThoughts #WednesdayMorning #WednesdayVibe 🧐
By Xavier Remington | Mystic Poetry Portal |
See Also: The Monday Morning Blues