What happens when a pandemic globally wipes out the entire male populace and prevents any future male births? Apparently an all-female society somewhat Amish in nature. The video above is a sci-fi anthology show called The Outer Limits. In their Season 4 Episode 17 “Lithia“, about such a future where women lead a primitive life amid a world of peace, and happiness despite the hardships of survival. Then a military man comes out of a frozen cryogenic sleep to rile things up in a small community! If the video above doesn’t work then you can watch it here.
Naturally, the military man wants to take charge and right the wrongs he observes from his point of view. This causes the corruption of some women that eventually leads to death and chaos! It’s also revealed frozen men, apparently all from the military, are awakened around the world as an experiment to see if males could be assimilated into the feminine society of serenity. Each instance fails, and the men are put back into the deep freeze along with their genetic material used to father females around the world.
Average Men Would Have Fared Better Than Soldiers
Clearly, soldiers aren’t going to be the best candidates to go along with a peaceful society ruled by women. Their way of life has created a global system of cooperation free of conflict. If only they had some of the many useful professionals, such as scientists, on ice, or the many millions of effeminate metrosexuals who walk the Earth at the present time. There would have been plenty of men who would enjoy all the attention they’d receive in an all-female world. Men who wouldn’t want to rock the boat in a world that clearly was working far better than one run mostly by men. Even in light of some inequalities that were thought of as sacrifices for the greater good of womankind.
The Last Man On Planet Earth
If you liked this television show you might like the movie “The Last Man On Planet Earth” (Youtube) that features women ruling over a modern-day Earth. Indeed they keep technology going rather than turning to the Amish side. This particular feminine world features a small band of aging men hiding out in a society of women who hate them with a passion. Although, the wealthy elite women illegally utilize the surviving men for their own forbidden pleasures. Some find hope in a genetically engineered man whose violent urges are supposedly non-existent. Will he survive all the man-hating women to reintroduce males to society or will gender prejudice prevent diversity?
Getting Rid Of Men Isn’t The Key To Peace
The fact is that it isn’t necessarily men that are the problem with society but rather the continued exploitation of the entire planet by an extremely small ruling elite class of royalty, billionaires, and their corporations. Elites that have included women in power over the many centuries. Clearly, there are ruthless women who lust for power, and wealth the same as men do. There’s no reason to believe that a completely matriarchal society from the birth of our civilization would have yielded different results. The solution to peace, prosperity, and happiness for the societies of Earth is to shed aside archaic power structures, and election systems. Things that allow the elite criminal class to bend the planet in their warped corrupt image. Utopia will never be possible until humanity is united against these insidious forces of evil that falsely pose as our caring saviors despite nothing ever-changing for the better under their stale stewardship.