The traveling Carnival set up shop in your town as Halloween approached. Among the oddities was the decaying zombie clown creeping the hell out of everyone! Although his propensity for handing out free cotton candy compelled them to come closer. While wandering around the fairgrounds, people assumed he was wearing make-up and a mask. However, the horrifying truth is he’s for real! A former human clown who had a naughty knack for serial killing. If that wasn’t bad enough, he summoned a demon just as he knew capture by authorities was inevitable!
The demon possession protected him as he was granted paranormal powers. However, he had to sell his soul, which was no big deal since he was hellbound anyway! The continued possession wore his body down despite the numerous human sacrifices to the demon. Naturally, he killed the gypsy fortune teller at the carnival, which angered her mystical tribe, who vengefully cursed him. The curse melded the dark human and the demon into a new zombified demon-clown entity. After that, simple sacrifices weren’t enough to keep him from slowly rotting alive. He figured out that he had to turn his victims into something wonderful that brought joy to people. Only then would his rotting temporarily halt.
The Nightmare Of The Carnival!
After communing with his inner demon, he concocted a potion and spell to turn people into cotton candy. The process was slow and painful while generally only working on morally questionable people. Even if they’re guilty of mere minor infractions. Unfortunately, this could still encompass a lot of people who don’t really deserve such a hellish fate. When the chilling clown feeds the tainted sweet, scrumptious cotton candy to unsuspecting individuals, a paranormal process takes place. As he eats the same piece of pink candy he gave to another person, the clown gets a bit of their soul energy, which in turn heals him to a minor extent. Naturally, a great many are children!
Thankfully, there’s no harm to those eating the terrifying treat. In order to get the enchanted energy from human souls he can’t bring harm to them. Just the ones he kills to make the candy! Although there is the cannibal aspect of the cotton candy being made of people. Technically, during the creation of the pink potion, the victim actually becomes a zombie briefly, so the cotton candy is made of zombies! I’m not sure if that’s any better? Next time you’re at the carnival or even the circus, think twice about what’s in the cotton candy! If you’re looking to capture the ambience of this sinister story, then bring an animatronic version of the Cotton Candy Clown into your home this Halloween. It makes for fine decor in your haunted house or to greet your Trick Or Treaters. Click Here To Learn More About This Animatronic Or Purchase It…🤡[Ad]