Future Christmas Prediction By Psychic Julia Hathaway

A Prediction For A Mystic Investigations User That Seems To Take Place On A Future Yule Moon
Over the internet I usually don’t get much unless there’s one or more amazing events in ones life. I’m getting a vision of you possibly in your mid to late 30’s on Christmas Morning while it’s still dark out. Your outside looking up at a Full Moon across which glittering trails of iridescent light can be seen. The lights coincide with eerie sounds you never heard before. Suddenly from the sky Santa Claus’s sleigh along with his flying reindeer crash into the snow nearby as the Anti-Claus’s dark sleigh pulled by Hell Hounds, and a Werewolf fly down. The Dark Claus laughs maniacally as his sleigh lands. He strolls over to a clearly injured Santa as his Gnome assistants release the Hell Hounds, and Werewolf to attack the Reindeer. The Anti-Claus tosses Santa from his sleigh, and pins him to the ground while pulling out a black coal dagger. He then bellows,”And now my brother you shall join me in Demonhood courtesy of my Masters well orchestrated spell!” He plunges the dagger into Santa’s heart, and begins chanting some ancient language I can’t identify. His eyes glow crimson as Santa pleads,”No Claude don’t do it! Join me in the light, and save your soul from damnation!” The Anti-Claus just cackled, and says,”Oh shut the hell up you goodie two shoes!” before resuming his chants. Santa’s eyes glow bright white as he attempts to mentally fight off his dastardly identical twin brother. Unfortunately Santa’s eyes begin to turn gray in color. You are frozen in shock, and awe at what you’re witnessing while the enchanted flying reindeer hop about avoiding the Hell Hounds.

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer flies right up to you, and says,”Help us Steven! Santa needs you!” You gasp, and ask what possibly could you do! Rudolph replies,”Believe! Just believe in Santa! A human adult who truly believes in Santa Claus within his vicinity can absorb some of Father Christmas’s power. But please hurry because I can feel him turning into a demon!” At that point the Werewolf drags Rudolph away screaming! You’re paralyzed with fear as Santa’s eyes begin turning black as coal while the Dark Claus snickers,”Yes brother soon we shall truly be twins of the same kind!” All hope appears to be lost until you walk up behind the dark one telling yourself you believe. Your hands glow a bright white light, and you scream as you plunge a fist right through the Anti-Claus’s back, and into his black heart. His snide laughter turns to screams of terror. He falls off Santa, and you pull your arm out of his back.

Running to Santa’s aid you pull the dagger from his heart, and his eyes return to glowing white before calming to his usual emerald green color. He then breaths a sigh of relief as he says,”God bless you Steven for believing in me! The Spirit Of Christmas dwells strong within you my Son. Now help me up! We need to save my little Reindeer. It seems my Elves are doing just fine against those naughty dark gnomes” Nearby the Elves had pinned the nasty gnomes to the snowy ground. Santa first looks over at the Anti-Claus to make sure he’s down for good. His chest is glowing white as he lies unconscious in stasis courtesy of the Christmas Spirit. Both you, and Santa beat off the Hell Hounds who run away yelping. Santa then grabs the Werewolf tossing him hundreds of feet over the treeline. He then begins healing his Reindeer with his Angelic powers.

You all walk back to the sleigh, and see the Dark Claus is gone yet his costume remains! Santa has no explanation but must continue to make the rest of his Christmas deliveries so you help him repair the sleigh, and re-hitch the Reindeer. He invites you to come along, and you sit in the back with the Elves. You fly through the night skies at blazing speeds utilizing Angelic potholes to deliver gifts until dawn approaches, and you return to North Pole City. Your granted permanent citizenship, and your made a North Pole Agent. It appears you’re sent on missions around the world to help others every so often as you wield the power of the Christmas Spirit.

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