In order to maintain balance within The Spirit Of Christmas one lucky family must be chosen from outside the supernatural world each year. This is due to the fact that it’s easy to believe in Santa Claus when you can casually visit…
Most Werewolves won’t transform under the Holy Yule Moon of December. A much-deserved rest from the monthly madness! The enchanted energy transmitted through the fantastic photons fuses with the demonic Werewolf DNA causing a halt in monstrous manifestation. However, younger Werewolves will…
The Spirit Of Christmas is an unaware global sub-conscious like entity like most Holiday Spirits. The Christmas Spirit exudes harmonious goodwill and loving light. It instills a general feeling of soothing warmth, emotional beneficence, marvelous merriment, and hope in humanity for the…
Frankenstein’s can be scary supernatural monsters that are made up of individual body parts. Then they are generally reanimated by a mad scientist or magical practitioners. In the video above we see one such creature kidnap a toddler from a playground where he…