The movie “Elf“, Starring Will Ferrell, is the story of an orphaned human baby who is raised as one of Santa’s Elves at the magical North Pole Capital Of Christmas. An unnamed celebrity in the paranormal community who is a regular guest of…
For Valentines Day 2012 Santa Claus & Mrs. Holly Claus took a romantic vacation in Hawaii. Not only did they celebrate Valentine’s Day but their wedding anniversary as well. They were wed February 14th, 1815! Their kids Nicholas, and Mary are at…
Generally glittering dust that emanates from mystical creatures is a sign of enchanted magics at work. The most famous is of course Fairy Dust. Something Fairies produce when flying, or utilizing their powers. Elves hard at work or utilizing magics may produce…
This entire article isn’t about an afterlife for Santa’s enchanted Elves. They are quite indestructible little fellas courtesy of the Christmas Force being strong in them. The Christmas Force is the intertwined energy enchantment of the Christmas Spirit and direct Life Force…