It was Monday morning, just before Noon on April 2nd, 2012, as Psychic Julia Hathaway slept peacefully in her office at Mystic Investigations Headquarters. The rest of us went to the cafeteria for lunch. Her mind entered the infinite expanse of the dream plane, and visions of hellish flames haunted her. She witnessed a nightmarish blaze ravaging a woodland with billowing smoke so thick it blocked out the sun. Crimson light reflected above while orange wildfires roared around her. In the distance, she could hear blood-curdling screams for help as animals ran for dear life. Julia ran frantically toward the screams in her dreams!
She found a man trapped under a fallen tree while his wife and two kids tried to lift it off. Nearby, their house was consumed with violent fire, as trees continued to fall about after their trunks were burnt to a crisp. He pleaded with them to save themselves and leave him behind. They finally made the heart-wrenching decision to leave. The mother and her kids raced into their minivan and sped down the dirt road. Unfortunately, it was too late. A behemoth line of frightening flames engulfed the roadway. The mother floored it as her kids cried in terror. Then Julia saw a titanic tree fall on the car in the middle of the fiery inferno, destroying the entire family!
Julia was shocked but lucid within her dream which she realized was a premonition. She then directed her mind to fly her up into the air so she could get a bird’s eye view of the flaming devastation. After looking at a number of charred unreadable street signs she finally found a town sign that said “Conifer”. She could tell by the landscape that she was still in Colorado. So the hell on Earth was taking place in Jefferson County which is a few counties away from Comanche County in which her current location of Woodland Springs exists. At that moment she jolted awake in a cold sweat and looked up the various phone numbers for Jefferson County Colorado authorities. Each urgent call she made warning people either received a laugh or assurance that there was only a controlled wildfire going on in the area.
She then gave up and ran to the cafeteria in a deeply agitated state telling us of her horrific vision. Unlike the authorities, we completely trusted Julia and her vexing visions. I immediately announced, “Okay team let’s fly down there, and take care of business. Pack up, and be on the heliport in 20 minutes. Hunter go get the Mysticopter, and we’ll meet you on the roof!” Everyone scrambled out of the lunch room to prepare for a firefighting search and rescue mission. Ex-Navy Seal Hunter Jackson hopped into his Humvee and raced to the nearby Woodland Springs Airport to retrieve the Mysticopter, a souped-up Bell 22 helicopter given to Mystic Investigations by a billionaire client.
Twenty minutes later we were all on the roof anxious about our pro bono mission at hand. A minute later the Mysticopter landed in a flurry of whipping winds. We all boarded, and flew away into the skies headed for Conifer, Colorado ready for action. Hunter Jackson piloted the magnificent Mysticopter while I, Mystic Investigations President Xavier Remington, rode shotgun co-piloting. The helicopter raced ahead at super speed and within minutes gargantuan columns of smoke rose in front of us. From above, the devastation was remarkable as the roaring flames of orange, amber, and red raged through the forests below. So far, Julia still wasn’t getting any psychic data on the family she saw in her dream vision.
Deer Trapped By Wildfires
Hunter then said, “I got what appears to be a group of deer trapped in the fire on infrared radar.” I then replied, “Bring us in low, and I’ll clear a trail for them with the CO2 cannon. I activated the cannon which let loose a sonic burst of carbon dioxide, and the hellish inferno was eradicated from a narrow path leading to a dirt road. The deer dashed down our opening to freedom as we flew away. Our bionic boy wonder, and supernatural technologist Zack Powers yelled, “Awesome!” because we rarely get to see the Mysticopter in action. Unfortunately, it doesn’t tie into our cases that often. Usually, we just take it out for a spin once a week.
A bit later our team spotted a line of five cars stopped in front of a whipping wall of fire in the roadway ahead with a line of blasphemous blazes forging forth in back of them. We swooped in and fired up the carbon dioxide cannon while our powerful helicopter blades helped to push back some of the flames as well. The grateful motorists honked their horns as they sped down the roadway we cleared. Zack then said he could hear a girl screaming in his bionic ear. He directed our amazing air fortress to the location, and we saw a small girl high up in a tree clinging to the trunk for dear life on our cam.
She cried for her mommy to help her amid the thick black smoke which caused her to cough in between her pleas for assistance. Drake Alexander, our Executive VP Vampire, flung the door open and leaped to the ground from thirty feet in the air. Despite the sun, he was safe due to the thick smoke cover. Drake then raced to the tree, jumped up several feet to the branch the girl was on, and grabbed her. He leaped down, and we dropped a ladder down to him. However, before it got down to him he showed off and super leaped back up to us with the girl in his muscular arms!
Once on board, we put a blanket on the frightened girl and gave her some ice water along with much-needed oxygen She was a blond-haired girl who appeared to be six or seven. She said she’d been playing in the woods alone when the fire struck. We asked the girl where she lived and then we flew about a half-mile north to a large two-story log cabin blazing like a bonfire. Julia Hathaway sensed there was a feminine presence still barely alive inside. We fired the CO2 cannon at the house but it was out of ammo. The good witch Rebecca Abernathy jumped from the helicopter twenty-five feet in the air, and yelled, “Mystic Sphere!” A neon pink orb of enchanted energy materialized around the witch, and she floated down crashing through the flame-ridden roof of the cabin.
Once inside, Rebecca couldn’t see a thing due to the thick black smoke, and flames. She was protected within her magical pink bubble. She then called unto her coven, “I call upon my sisters within my sacred coven. Guide me to our fellow female trapped within these fanning flames of fury.” The collective power of the coven then gave her the ability to sense the woman down the hall in the room on the left. Rebecca’s sphere flew to the woman, and she pulled her inside the safe bubble. Rebecca quickly flew up crashing through what remained of the roof, and back up to the Mysticopter. Once inside we discovered the woman was dead!
The sweet little girl cried as she clung to her sheet white lifeless mother. Drake then exclaimed loudly, “Not on my watch dammit!” Julia pulled the girl away and hugged her so she wouldn’t see what was about to happen. Drake bit into his wrist and dripped his vampirical blood into the woman’s mouth. Vampire blood is known for its curative properties. I began CPR heart compressions, and Rob Edmunds pumped oxygen into her. Rebecca then screamed, “Clear! Electrica concussa potestatem!” Her hands then gave off a golden electrical energy mimicking a doctor’s emergency defibrillator.
She shocked the woman three times before I excitedly exclaimed, “We have sinus rhythm!” as I observed the electrocardiogram. All of us at Mystic Investigations have had excellent medical training for emergencies such as this. Seconds later, the girl’s mother began coughing as the vampire blood took effect. Julia fought back tears as she held the little girl, and gleefully said, “Your mommy is alive honey!” The little girl crawled to her mother lying on the helicopter floor as we knelt around them, smiling at the lives we had saved. I then told Hunter to fly to the nearest medical center ASAP!
The Perplexing Police Officer

We landed in a hospital parking lot and carried the woman into the ER. As we headed back to the helicopter, a police officer said we couldn’t just land our helicopter here. I then said, “Hey pal, we’re saving lives here!” He then shot back, “I don’t think so pal! I’m detaining all of you and ordering you to shut down that illegal helicopter.” As a board-certified lawyer, Drake stepped in and said the officer had no right to detain us. The idiotic officer then took out his gun, and yelled, “This gives me the right to detain you, jackass!” He then talked into his radio saying, “11-96 11-56 requesting back-up! Everyone on the ground, and shut that damn helicopter down!” I then said, “What the hell is your problem?” The anxious officer replied, “Comply with my lawful orders or face the consequences!” Drake attempted to use his vampire hypnosis on him but it didn’t work. It’s true that some people simply can’t fall under the spell of a vampire.
Rebecca then walked up to him and asked if he was on meds or perhaps off his meds. He put the gun right in her face, and she screamed, “Mystic Sphere!” The pink sphere appeared out of thin air around her and erupted right into the officer sending him flying ten feet onto the pavement. Drake quickly ripped off the moron’s body cam and crushed it in his hands like it was paper. It was at that point his sense of smell recognized steroids in the officer’s blood. This could have been why the vampire mesmerization didn’t take hold. Drake loudly declared, “This paragon of the law is suffering from a serious case of roid rage!
Seriously, dude lay off the drugs and build muscle the old-fashioned way!” The officer screamed incoherently and punched Drake in the face. Drake laughed and said, “Aww, that was an adorable little punch, Mr. Tough Guy.” The officer then tried to pull out his gun but Rebecca grabbed it and tossed it into the brush nearby. She then punched him in the face so hard that he passed out. She shrugged her shoulders and said, “Whoops!” Sometimes she doesn’t realize the full brunt of her Demi-Mermaid strength. We all started chuckling at the silly spectacle.
Unfortunately, a number of witnesses were afoot so Rebecca grabbed her spell book from the chopper. While she was doing that I loudly exclaimed, “Okay folks! Nothing to see here! Business as usual!” Rebecca found the proper spell to cast over the general area that actually channeled Drake’s vampire hypnosis. Everyone’s memory of this stupid situation was altered so it appeared the officer was calm and friendly while commending us on our efforts. I mean, that’s what the hell should have happened anyway. In their minds, the officer just passed out from low blood sugar. We then yelled, “Hey, help this officer!” Doctors and nurses ran to him with a gurney and wheeled him into the hospital. It was a sure bet they would find the steroids in his tainted blood and his career in law enforcement would be over. We left immediately after that!
After that comedic break at the hospital, we sped back to the wayward wildfires to continue our volunteer rescue mission. Julia suddenly got a vision related to the one that initiated our quest. She now knew exactly where we had to go to save the family in her nightmare. We landed the Mysticopter near a one-story ranch house on fire. It was the house in Julia’s vision. We ran up just as a guy came out holding two kids. He set the kids down, and screamed, “Where’s your mom? She was right behind us! At that moment, a tree burning nearby began to fall. It would have landed on the man if not for Drake catching it.
They were all shocked, not only by the near miss of the massive foliage but the raw awesome power of Drake as he held the tree at bay with one hand. He then launched the huge pine away into the woods. Rebecca, and I ran inside at that moment to find the mother nervously packing up photos, and other keepsakes. She grabbed up the box, and we all dashed outside. The whole family then hugged as Julia breathed a sigh of relief now that her vision had been resolved. Our entire group flew to safety, and we dropped the family off near a hotel.
The Dreaded Phoenix Firebird
Our fantastic flying fortress took off and headed for more trouble. Rebecca’s cell phone rang, and it was her sister witch, Samantha, from her coven calling. She said the coven was meditating after Rebecca called on them mystically for power. The Goddesses informed them that the wildfires were the product of a rare Phoenix Firebird. The infamous variety of supernatural birds are composed of unholy flames that rise from the ashes when they die. This could be a plausible explanation for why the local authorities informed so few people about the fire.
Federal authorities may have been hunting the bird and ordered the local government to stand down Unfortunately, the government has a negative track record when it comes to dealing with the supernatural. They either refuse to acknowledge the existence of the metaphysical or handle it in an improper manner. That’s why it’s up to us in the private paranormal community to take down the nefarious beings that threaten humankind. Now our mission turned from normal rescue to paranormal hunting. It’s a race against the clock to take down this fiery fiend before he costs countless lives!
Even after recharging our CO2 cannon, it wasn’t enough to battle the out-of-control forest fires. We spotted all manner of helicopters and planes dropping water and flame retardants. Rebecca again channeled her coven to partake of a powerful spell that filled our small water tank and then continually replenished it. The stupendous spell also tapped into Rebecca’s Demi-Mermaid Hydrokinesis powers and drew water from the atmosphere and nearby bodies of water to keep our tank full.
We proceeded to dump water all over the woodland, aiding the firefighting effort. If that wasn’t enough for our resident Demi-Mermaid Witch she was also casting a locater spell to find the blasphemous bird who was responsible for so much devastation. We finally found the firebird minutes later lighting trees on fire as if it was spreading napalm about the foliage. Its beguiling bird song almost caused a hypnotic effect. You would think such a magical melody would come out of a creature of peace.
Our CO2 cannon and water jet were blessed holy by adding Saint Nicholas’s holy water we got from our recent trip to North Pole City. We said a powerful prayer to exponentially expand the blessed power of the holy water. We then shot the holy sprays at the Phoenix Firebird, missing a few times but getting in a few good hits. The unholy flames of the bad bird faltered a bit but the little bastard was too powerful. Clearly, he had recently risen from his ashes or was in a state about to turn into ash. These angry birds are most potent near their death and rebirth phases.
Once we realized holy water wasn’t going to extinguish this threat, we charged up the flame thrower with preloaded fuel blessed by our associate Father Tom Davis. The Mysticopter proceeded to shoot forth a spectacular plume of holy fire! We target the bird and got a direct holy hit that engulfed the flaming bird with our flames. The holy flames neutralized the unholy fires wafting off the supernatural bird and it plummeted to the forest floor.
We landed the Mysticopter and approached the beautiful bird with red, orange, and amber feathers. Its song was weak but still hypnotic. It almost made us want to turn around and leave. The siren song has the power to repel people when the bird is weak and draw them near when the flames are active! Sometimes it sings high in the sky to draw innocent people and animals into forest fires! Indeed, the bird is intelligent, and everything it kills acts as a sacrifice to various dark deities who are in union with demons as well.
The sparkling feathers were starting to spark up with fire again and that’s when Drake quickly snatched it up. The bird fought to fly free but Drake’s 5th Generation Vampire strength was greater! Rebecca walked up with an iron cage coated with silver and gold to contain the bird. Something constructed by our Cryptozoologist Ashley Abercrombie. Incidentally, she was on vacation or she would have been with us. Once inside, the Phoenix could no longer produce flames until the final flameout that leads to rebirth.
It turned out this firebird was at the end of his cycle and he turned to ash in our lab about a week later. Luckily, the bird can’t be reborn if trapped within our special cage. After Rebecca added a magic potion to the unholy ash it was rendered safe and no Phoenix could ever rise from it ever again! The amazing ash has a variety of useful mystical purposes and we keep it in our supernatural supplies when needed. Eventually, the wildfire was extinguished and balance was restored to Mother Nature.
Related Link: 2012 Colorado Wildfires…