Crazy Calamitous Killer Clown

As mentioned in our previous post Vice-President Rebecca Abernathy, and I attended Zack Powers High School Career Day to speak about our experiences as paranormal investigators.  The sessions were rather productive, and I’m confident we recruited a good number of future supernatural saviors to protect humanity from the dangers of our paranormal planet. Although Zack … Read more

Halloween Haunted House Of Vampire Horror

On Halloween morning, within the wayward Witching Hour, the supernatural team at Mystic Investigations was met with hellish havoc.  We faced two evil vampires and their minions that also included werewolves and zombies.  Their plans included initiating a vampire apocalypse.  We also met a real living Goddess as well on one of the most dangerously … Read more

The Behemothic Blaze

It was Monday morning, just before Noon on April 2nd, 2012, as Psychic Julia Hathaway slept peacefully in her office at Mystic Investigations Headquarters. The rest of us went to the cafeteria for lunch. Her mind entered the infinite expanse of the dream plane, and visions of hellish flames haunted her. She witnessed a nightmarish … Read more

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