Alarming Alien Abduction Attack – Part II

Continued From Part I

Drake and company awaited the predicted arrival of the extraterrestrials within the Mystical Forest.  Hunter and Julia posed as a camping couple while Drake and Ashley hid in an electromagnetic tent nearby.  If the aliens detected a vampire and a half-zombie they might be reluctant to perform their patented abductions.  Hunter and Julia increased their chances of being abducted by having the captured alien lying nearby to act as bait.  Ashley had injected the ET with a powerful werewolf sedative to keep him knocked out. Within an hour eerie blinking lights appeared in the star-lit sky sporting a silvery crescent moon. Golden sparkling lights appeared around the alien as he began to transport to the spaceship.  Drake launched from the tent and dove on top of the little blasphemous being and was teleported away with him.  Hunter and Julia were then teleported as well which is what they had hoped would happen.

Ashley was left alone as the lights faded and the ship disappeared over the now slightly visible horizon due to the impending sunrise.  She reported back to Rob at Mystic Investigations command headquarters via her cell phone.  He indicated that the ship was reading differently from the vessel he had been tracking earlier and it had come from somewhere out west rather than from space.  He said it could be a totally different ship especially since it didn’t zip up into space like the first one.  This one flew east out of radar range at a slower speed most likely due to not feeling threatened.  All the sudden Rob yelled, “Ashley it’s coming back!”  The lights blasted down on her specifically as she screamed and ran deep into the forest.  However, she was instantly teleported to the ship which once again headed back toward the east and out of radar range.

It indeed was a different ship from the one I was on because at that moment Rebecca was three-quarters of the way to the Moon and right outside the hull of my ship. She was bellowing within the air-filled Mystic Sphere, “EGO flatus vestri hull ut abyssus!”  From her hands white energy beams blasted through the ship’s hull and she flew inside.  As she entered purple colored lights flashed, and an otherworldly sounding alarm blared forth! She glided down the alien corridors, and screeched, “Where the hell is my boyfriend you creepy bastards!  Xavier!  Xavier where are you?”  Two blue force fields on either side of the Mystic Sphere temporarily trapped Rebecca until she angrily yelled out a quick spell and the shimmering blue light vanished.

This disturbance put an end to the experiments being conducted on Zack and Elizabeth.  They had disabled Zack’s bionics and didn’t get any further than scanning Elizabeth with some device.  The alien scurried from the room like a little rat leaving them alone.  Zack tried to break free of the thin metal straps holding him down but he was literally a quadriplegic again without any use of his arms and legs.  Elizabeth then said, “It’s okay Zack we’ll get out of this somehow.”  He was reliving the nightmare of those hellish months in the hospital bed after his car accident that literally left him limbless! Soon his despair gave way to anger.  He refused to return to that time of helplessness and thoughts of suicide!

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On the other spaceship, now flying somewhere over Kentucky, Drake hid in the shadows of the dimly lit vessel as a group of aliens entered the transport chamber, and began to converge on their fallen comrade.  On platforms nearby Hunter, Julia, and Ashley lie motionless and unconscious. We gambled that Drake couldn’t be knocked out by the transport device since he was a vampire! He pounced from his hiding place and forced one of the diminutive gray extraterrestrials to the floor, and sunk his teeth into him quickly draining the blood from the tiny alien body.

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Drake had plenty of human blood, and samples of the various supernatural beings of Earth. Yet he’d never tasted extraterrestrial blood. It had a unique flavor that made him uncharacteristically desperately crave more. There was an amazing feeling of power rushing through his living dead body.  The shocked aliens moved backward slowly as Drake wiped the violet-colored blood from his mouth with a maniacal smile and said, “I’m going to enjoy this! Nobody invades my planet and screws around with my people!”  He then literally growled like a lion as his eyes glowed crimson with fangs fully extended.  He could feel the alien blood coursing through him as an uncontrolled rage-filled violence took command of his mind, body, and soul!  He soon would realize that the blood was also increasing his already amazing vampire powers by at least threefold.  This worked in his favor as he worked to take down a ship full of his little grey prey with a vengeance!

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One of the aliens managed to shoot off an energy beam from a clear cylinder weapon but it had no effect on the 5th generation vampire hopped up on their own blood.  In fact, he laughed loudly and screamed, “May I have another little sir?” More extraterrestrials kept filing into the room and he destroyed them in a blood lust-filled spree of death and destruction!  Soon the door to the room sealed shut and a large beam of green light shot through the ceiling with no effect on Drake.  Well except the effect of aggravating him even further.  He then began pounding on the metal door causing it to warp.  The alarmed aliens were vicious beings themselves but they’d never dealt with the likes of an angry vampire hopped up on their blood.  The aliens generally avoided abducting paranormal entities as they were an unknown quantity and posed a threat to them unlike helpless humans. He eventually broke through the door and went on a killing spree throughout the ship as Hunter, Julia, and Ashley awoke.

Meanwhile, on the alien ship in space, gray ET’s converged on the good witch Rebecca and began shooting energy beams of various iridescent colors at the Mystic Sphere as if testing to see what would destroy it.  However, their alien technology was no match for Earthly supernatural Wicca powers and Nature Deities she called upon for said powers.  Their weapon beams just bounced off the mystical sphere.  She howled madly, “I bring the flames of hell down upon you unwanted invaders by the power of Pele!”  Flames began to sprout everywhere even though there was nothing to burn on the fireproof vessel. Well, that is except for the aliens themselves who swarmed about in a panic.  Rebecca was impressed by her show of power and was surprised that magic worked in space since all the power she knew originated from Mother Earth.

The powered-up witch then magically blasted a hole in a wall and flew through into the Bridge of the ship.  There were chairs, control panels, and a huge view screen with Earth on it.  She proceeded to fry the hell out of the control room before blasting through some more walls.  The ship was effectively disabled and now being pulled toward the Moon’s gravity  Rebecca finally crashed through another wall and found me in my transparent prison pod.  Her anger then turned to relief as she said, “Thank God you’re alive Xavier!”  The Mystic Sphere floated against the clear confines of my pod phasing through it without even shattering it!  It left with us inside the supernatural sphere as we magically passed through the pod wall.

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I then exclaimed, “Amazing!  I’ve never seen the Mystic Sphere do that before!  How did you have the power to get here and do so much damage?  Usually, you get exhausted quickly when you use a lot of magic.”  Rebecca then explained how she had found the elusive energy heart of the Mystical Forest and tapped into it. I hadn’t been so impressed with her since that time she de-transformed a werewolf.  The single-handed take down of a flying saucer made that look like child’s play.  Suddenly terror came over me when I realized the Moon was looming ever larger outside the window.  It was time to get Zack and Elizabeth so we could get back to Earth.  First, we freed Tammy and her boyfriend from their prison pods.  They were both in such shock that Rebecca had to put them in a magical trance.

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Back in the alien lab Zack and Elizabeth were still struggling to get free when a particularly sinister-looking alien entered the room and for the first time spoke.  It was in English but sounded as if it was coming from a speaker near the ceiling.  It must have been a translation device of some type.  The alien then said, “You disgusting humans may have won here but we will take over your planet very soon and eradicate your useless species. You would be amazed by how many of your leaders support us!  Despite that I find the seamless mechanical interface within your biology to be quite interesting so you will be coming with me for further study.  Unfortunately, I must first kill your inferior female companion.”  The extraterrestrial with malice in his huge insect eyes pointed a clear cylinder weapon at Elizabeth.  At that moment Zack’s anger grew to epic proportions and he overrode whatever disabled his bionics.  He theorizes his mental will guided the nanobots within his body to repair whatever was wrong with him. The nanobots were a part of his bionics meant to repair damage of both a mechanical and biological nature.  They also grow his mechanical parts to match the growth of his teenage biological body.

He broke from his straps and smiled at the alien who yelled, “This is impossible!  I removed all connections between your mechanical and biological parts!”  Zack then picked the puny alien up in the air by his neck with one hand while snapping his wrist with the other causing the weapon to fall to the floor.  He then angrily responded to the alien, “You disgusting slimy punks aren’t worthy to step foot on our planet.  We’re not the ones who will be eradicated  It will be you who dies!”  He then threw the alien across the room into a control panel causing the alien to fry in the electrical aftermath.  His cries of agony sounded like a large annoying fly.  Zack freed Elizabeth just as Rebecca, and I blasted through the wall with the Mystic Sphere.  Rebecca then happily shouted, “Hop aboard the Mystic Sphere!  Next stop Earth!”  We all shot through another wall and were in outer space as we looked back and watched the alien ship crash into the moon. A plume of debris and silver dust slowly rose into space in a mesmerizing fashion.

I then said, “Oh damn I hope they didn’t crash into the Apollo 11 landing site and take out the American flag!  Hey, wait a minute!  As long as we’re here let’s put to rest the moon landing hoax conspiracy.”  Rebecca then responded, “Are you serious?”  I then said, “This is a once in a lifetime experience and you know how much I love solving conspiracy theories.”  She smiled and said, “Oh what the hell!  Let’s go to the moon baby!”  I then said, “Are you feeling okay?  You’re not getting weak are you?”  She replied happily, “Oh no Xavier I’ve never felt so good in my life!  I feel like I could take over the entire planet and bring peace to Earth!”  We all giggled as we flew to the moon over the alien crash site looking for the site where the first human, Neil Armstrong, had landed on the moon. I believed the true source of the Moon Landing Hoax Conspiracy Theory came from the fact that a lot of filmed footage was rendered useless within the radiation of the Van Allen Radiation Belt. For historical posterity, the government secretly staged the lost footage on a sound stage duplicating the Moon.

Meanwhile, on the other alien vessel, Julia could sense Drake’s alien blood-driven rage and had a vision that he single-handedly would cause the ship to explode.  She then told Hunter and Ashley that they had to stop him or they’d all die. They made their way down a corridor full of dead aliens and Hunter picked up one of their weapons but couldn’t figure out how to fire it.  He decided he’d just hit any live alien upside the head with it instead.  After rapping a few on their big noggins he chuckled, “Damn Navy Seal training never prepared me for this!”  After heading down a few more corridors three aliens suddenly exited a room with weapons pointed at them.  Julia immediately used her telekinetic powers to toss the weapons from their hands and simultaneously toss them against the wall hard thus knocking them unconscious.  Julia realized the ship was too big and they wouldn’t find Drake in time.  She attempted to communicate with him telepathically but his mental state was too erratic!  With every alien he killed and drained of blood, his rage and power grew greater.  So great he was bound to self-destruct and take them all down with him!

Julia managed to find the Bridge and two aliens immediately leaped from their chairs but Hunter clunked one over the head with the clear cylinder weapon. Julia attempted to use her mind to control the other.  Although he had a similar telepathic ability and fought back.  While he was distracted Hunter came up behind him and picked him up by the neck.  Hunter then screamed,”Do you have any escape pods!”  The alien refused to respond and then Hunter said,”This ship is about to explode jackass!  Is there a space shuttle or something?”  The alien then responded with a voice coming from somewhere in the ceiling,”Yes over there is an emergency hatch that leads to an escape shuttle.”  He then replied,”You’re flying us out of here fool!”  They all jumped into the hatch and slid into the pod.

At that moment in the space ship’s engine room Drake was taking down a dozen aliens with ease as he snarled like a giant prehistoric dinosaur.  He then became annoyed by the noisy bright blasting rainbow colors and odd alien sounds coming from the matter-antimatter explosions in the ship’s pure energy propulsion engine.  He then wailed, “Why can’t I hear quiet dammit!”  He then beat the hell out of the engine casing which was made out of a substance even stronger than diamonds.  Yet his fist broke through and entered the pure energy stream created by the matter and anti-matter annihilating each other.

The escape pod flew away toward the pre-dawn light just as the entire ship exploded in what should have been the most spectacularly huge blast ever seen by anyone in the entire history of this planet.  It looked like a hundred suns and lit up the sky over the entire state of Kentucky and was seen by many surrounding States as well.  Although it inexplicably only lasted less than a second and it was so early in the morning that very few people noticed. Local weathermen explained it away as a rare chain reaction lightning event. We later found out that local nature deities bore the true brunt of the blast because it would have blown up the entire Earth!  Many Fairies, Nymphs, Gods & Goddesses ended up in the Paradise Plane, aka Afterlife for metaphysical beings, that very day! The invisible unsung supernatural heroes of Earth!

Luckily the ship was high enough in the atmosphere so there wasn’t any ground damage.  The shock waves sent the pod hurtling toward Earth and it crashed in Dale Hollow Lake.  It proceeded to float to shore where everyone including the alien got out and walked into the wilderness.  The alien attempted to run away but Hunter tackled him and punched the little bastard hard in the face causing him to lose consciousness.  He then said,”These bastards like to cage and study people!  Well Ashley I got a fine specimen for you to cage and study back at Mystic Investigations!”  Ashley thanked him and couldn’t wait to get home.  Although, she wasn’t quite sure how they were going to smuggle an extraterrestrial all the way back to Colorado across several State lines!

In the dark void of the sky there was nothing left of the ET vessel.  Only the crescent moon and stars filled the sky…..except for a bloodied unrecognizable mangled biological mass plummeting thousands of feet toward the ground. It hit a rocky hillside before tumbling into Dale Hollow Lake.  It was the amazingly indestructible Vampire Drake Alexander!  The most destructive blast known to this Earth apparently wasn’t tough enough to take him down.  This could be explained by his amazing increase in power due to the alien blood along with the pure energy blast not producing any flames.  Flames are needed to engulf and annihilate a vampire.  Drake sunk to the bottom of the lake and was nothing more than a blob without limbs or even a head.  Yet somehow within the lakes soothing waters Drakes supernatural vampire virus embedded within his DNA began to work its magic rapidly rebuilding his unique living dead cellular structure.  His limbs grew back along with his head and brain.  Technically it’s impossible that a vampire could survive when beheaded but somehow Drake was totally rebuilt.  Within an hour he emerged from the lake unclothed and in perfect physical form complete with mental clarity.  Although he had absolutely no memory of who or what he was.  We all had presumed he was dead before I wrote this.

Drake made his way through the woods and eventually onto a Kentucky roadway.  The lights of a semi-truck startled him due to it still being relatively dark within the heavily wooded area.  The sky was lit from the rising sun but it wasn’t yet visible over the horizon from where Drake was.  The huge truck stopped next to him, and the passenger door opened.  A hefty middle-aged woman said, “Damn honey you’re Marge’s perfect kind of man! Naked, and ready for action! Hop on in and I’ll give you a ride!”   Drake reluctantly got in as the first rays of the sunrise reflected in the side view mirror and bathed his face without any effect.  The normal reaction for a vampire should have been screams of terror as his face lit ablaze!  Although, he probably should have been more concerned by Large Marge’s despicable advances. LOL!

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Mystic Investigations Lands On The Moon!

By then Rebecca, Zack, Elizabeth, and I were landing on the Moon at the Sea of Tranquility.  Rebecca said, “multiplicamini et mystica encapsulate amici”  The Mystic Sphere dissipated and boy talk about being scared.  Luckily I wasn’t exposed to space but rather Rebecca had magically turned the supernatural sphere into personal force fields for all of us so we could walk on the moon.  Tammy and her boyfriend lie in a soothing trance on the dusty moon surface unaware of the amazement of the situation.  I then exclaimed, “That’s one small step for man, and one giant leap for Mystic Investigations.”  We all laughed and somehow we could all magically hear each other on the airless sunlit moon surface.  We were careful to walk past the astronaut footprints and marveled at the American flag planted in the lunar soil.  I said, “Well I guess this conspiracy has been debunked.  The US government really did go to the moon in 1969.  Still, it’s odd how we never came back after the last lunar missions in the 70’s and haven’t progressed our space program much since.”  Zack then replied, “Maybe the aliens have something to do with keeping us from exploring the solar system, and beyond?”  We were about to leave when we spotted little almost unnoticeable alien footprints amid the astronaut boot prints.  It left us wondering why they would have left everything undisturbed.  Rebecca then bellowed, “Mystic Sphere Reform!” as we stood together.  The pink clear bubble reshaped with us inside and we zipped back to the blue pearl of the Solar System. Our home Earth!

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Within three hours we re-entered Earth’s atmosphere and eventually landed on the roof of Mystic Investigations headquarters with Tammy and her beau in tow.  Rebecca still amazingly full of energy sprinted ahead of us to the entrance and down the steps.  We put the alien abducted couple on a couch to sleep off their mystical trance induced by Rebecca.  We then entered the tactical command center to tell Rob Edmunds about what had happened to us.  That’s when we got a call from Kentucky and we learned of Drake’s apparent death.  There was silence for a while and some of us were on the verge of tears.  I was going to get a repair crew out to retrieve and repair the Mysticopter so we could fly out to Kentucky to pick up Hunter and the rest of the gang, but Rebecca said she’d go get them.  Only she didn’t fly there in the Mystic Sphere.  She instead called forth,”Mystic Vortex!”  A giant wind burst erupted in the room blowing papers everywhere and a swirling pink vortex opened up out of nowhere.  She walked inside and within seconds came back out with the whole gang.   She then waved her hand at it and it disappeared.

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Everyone was in utter disbelief at the level of power she displayed.  So much so her enchanted eyes now continuously glowed emerald green! More than likely she was the most powerful magical being on Earth at that moment and maybe in all of human history!  She certainly seemed as if she could take on a dozen of the most powerful sorcerers.  Although it seemed to go to her head as she screamed, “Now I will travel back in time to save Drake.  Then I’ll take down all these alien scums and every form of evil on Earth for that matter!  We can finally rid this planet of all that is wrong and bring about a peaceful Utopia!  I shall rule supreme as Goddess Of Earth and beyond!  All hail my beauty and power oh mortal subjects!”

We all stared at each other in utter disbelief and I replied, “Well the time travel things sounds like a good idea but my brother Michael has almost never been able to change the history of our timeline because time travel usually results in a person being five dimensionally pushed into a near-identical parallel Universe.  I suppose there’s a chance that your time travel save was meant to be and therefore no travel to another Universe would occur but it’s not likely.  Rebecca smiled and replied, “I’m the master of time!  Father Time can screw himself! I will myself to change history as I see fit within our reality!  Drake will be saved! Hitler and all his kind will be terminated!  Maybe it’s also time I dealt with the Devil as well!”

I then said, “Uh, okay I’m a little worried that perhaps the power is affecting you in an odd way because you don’t seem quite like yourself right now.  Perhaps you should sleep for a while, and then travel back in time to save Drake.”  She immediately responded, “Sleep!  I don’t need to sleep anymore!  Hell, I don’t even need to eat!  I’m God of the Universe!”  We all stared at Rebecca for a number of seconds not sure what to say to her when all the sudden her amulet turned pitch black and she instantly collapsed.  She had no pulse and wasn’t breathing as her skin turned a pale white.  I attempted CPR as Rob dialed 911 but we couldn’t revive her.  Paramedics arrived and pronounced her dead of a heart attack among other various organ failures.  Her cellular structure was literally ripped apart by the awesome unbridled power of the heart of the Mystical Forest!

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Luckily Sheriff Maverick was there so he was able to stop her from being taken to the morgue which would expose her as a supernatural being! Instead, we took her into the Mystical Forest as close to the Mystical Heart as we could, or at least where we thought it was.  I hoped somehow since it had given her such great power that then maybe it could resurrect her.  Unfortunately, our pleas to the Heart of the forest fell upon deaf ears despite various incantations we got from Rebecca’s Wicca book of spells. We even had her Wiccan coven come in, and they attempted to do everything in their power to revive her. They sullenly declared that even her soul could no longer be felt.

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After they left I remembered she was half-mermaid although she never manifested in mermaid form like her mother Marina.  We took her to a large pond in the forest known as the Mystical Micro-Sea due to its salty content, unusual waves with no source, and its various forms of small sea life.  Since mermaids are immortal that would mean she was at least half immortal and that half could not die.  At least not by a magical overload so I hoped.  I placed her in the ocean-like waters hoping her mermaid DNA would heal her as she sunk into the shallow clear waters.  It was a long shot but we had nothing to lose.  She lie in the pond for hours as the sun rose higher in the morning skies and the dark dense forest grew light with life and the calls of the wild.  The sunlight streamed down upon her underwater corpse and thousands of fine micro bubbles flowed from her body.  Within seconds her pants suddenly ripped off as her legs melded together and formed into a huge shimmering blue fish form.

Just as quickly it disappeared and her legs were back.  Her eyes then popped open and she shot to the surface screaming, “Yay I’m alive baby!”  We embraced and everyone cheered at the resurrection of Rebecca.  She strode from the salt waters with her shirt hanging down as a makeshift dress to make-up for her lost pants and panties. Her miraculous resurrection was a fitting event being so close to Easter. Perhaps it was the magic of Easter that saved her because I swore I saw an unusual bunny looking at us in an almost human manner before hopping away.   When I walked over to the area it had been there was a gold, pink, and silver-colored egg sitting on the ground there.  Inside were some chocolates with a note that said, “Happy Easter To One And All.  Thank you for all your hard work in the battle against evil!  Yours Truly, The Easter Bunny!”


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Walking Upon The Moon

Within a century or so it will be common for the average person to visit the Moon for a casual walk.

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[…] me nor Drake have had a chance to update what happened after the Alarming Alien Abduction Attack – Part II.  We just wanted to let you know that we obviously found Drake thanks in part to his vampire […]


[…] is still staying with Drake at Alexander Manor helping him to recover his lost memory after the explosion of the alien craft. Since Duanna demands luxury travel, the Mystic RV is out of the question. She instead has […]


[…] Continued From Alarming Alien Abduction Attack Part II […]


[…] or Werebunny, but we still couldn’t believe he was real.  We did see a strange rabbit near Easter when Rebecca Abernathy, our resident Demi-Mermaid witch died, and was resurrected.  We suspected the Easter Bunny had a hand in that.  However you […]

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