I made up the song below based on The Christmas Is Coming Song. The video above is a different kids Halloween song.
Halloween is coming, the pumpkins are getting fat
Please put a penny in the old witch’s hat
If you haven’t got a penny, an eye of newt will do
If you haven’t got an eye of newt, then Goddess bless you!
When I’m feeling bored, when I’m feeling low,
I start to think about the scariest man I know.
Now he doesn’t mind the falling leaves, he doesn’t mind the rain,
But all October you will see him peeping in your window pane,
Screeching again and again and again and again and again!
Halloween is coming and the doorbells begin to ring,
The Jack-O-Lanterns in the window and the trick of treaters begin to sing.
I don’t need to worry, and I don’t need to fret,
And the more you give at Halloween the more you get.
Goddess bless you, ghosts & ghouls too, Goddess bless you!
The more you give at Halloween the more you get.
Halloween is coming, the rabbits in the hat.
Please give a spooky man a creepy little black cat.
If you haven’t got a black cat, a white rabbit will do,
If you haven’t got a white rabbit may Goddess bless you!
Goddess bless you, vampires & werewolves too, Goddess bless you!
If you haven’t got a black cat may Goddess bless you!
Halloween is coming, the candles are in the Jack-O-Lanterns.
How about a pumpkin pie for dear old me?
If you haven’t got a pumpkin pie, a pumpkin cookie will do.
If you haven’t got a pumpkin cookie may Goddess bless you!
Goddess bless you, demons & poltergeists too, Goddess bless you!
If you haven’t got a pumpkin cookie may Goddess bless you!
Halloween is coming, the candy’s in the bag.
If I had a bag of candy I wouldn’t have to egg.
If you haven’t got a bag of candy, half a bag will do.
If you haven’t got half a bag, may Goddess bless you!
Goddess bless you, kids & adults too, Goddess bless you!
If you haven’t got half a bag, may Goddess bless you!
If you haven’t got a thing for me, may a demon possess you!
Happy Halloween To All And To All A Good Night!