The Haunted Lighthouse

In celebration of National Lighthouse Day on August 7th, I decided to take my employees on a field trip to Woodland Springs, Colorado’s only lighthouse on Luminary Lake. The paranormal lake is full of supernatural life and is known to suddenly develop huge waves and thick mysterious fog. In the early days of our town a lot of people went missing in the lake so they built the lighthouse. However, it’s rumored a Curse was placed upon it by a local dark witch after a lighthouse keeper thwarted her effort to sacrifice several local kids to the demon she worshiped. The curse came into play once the lighthouse keeper was eradicated by her malevolent minions. Thankfully a Witch Slayer came to town and took her out as well with extreme prejudice!

Unfortunately, all lighthouse keepers after that died of mysterious causes and then proceeded to haunt the place. Various attempts to exorcise them into the afterlife failed as it seems the curse traps their souls there for all eternity! Mystic Investigations attempted to do so a number of times but the curse is mega powerful! In general, Curses placed by magical practitioner are incredibly hard to break! The lighthouse closed some years ago with the advent of cell phones, GPS tracking, and meticulous patrol of the lake by the local Sheriffs department as they have training in the supernatural world. We’re friends with the Sheriff Blake Maverick so he let us into the lighthouse that still mysteriously lights up at night even though nobody is there!

Many of our employees are simply office support staff and don’t really believe in the world of the paranormal. Even when some have witnessed some perplexing things they dismiss it as something else because their sub-conscious mind won’t let them entertain the terror of our real world! This is the way it is for a lot of people and many of our employees think the paranormal investigations is just a marketing thing to get customers for standard investigations. So quite a few employees were giggling and making joking ghostly noises to mask their underlying fear that the place really was haunted.

Certainly, they weren’t taking our Psychic Julia Hathaway seriously when she said there were several ghosts present. She could even feel the dark specter of the wicked witch amid the curse. Something not felt this strong on our previous research visits. Julia and our Ghost Hunter Rob Edmunds suspected the witch had recently been released from hell on a mission to create a powerful poltergeist from the lost human souls in the lighthouse along with the dark energy of the curse. This was probably not technically turning the curse into an entity all its own so there would be no Heavenly intervention as stated in the Supernatural Secrecy Pact.

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There was an element of real danger here as opposed to the simple harmless ghosts we expected to find. However, as it was broad daylight and not between the Witching and Devil’s hours we felt the employees would be relatively safe. As we walked into various rooms the temperature dropped as an unholy howling echoed through the air. It got so cold that we could see our breath! A sickening stink of sulfur wafted about amid lights flickering. We decided it was time to leave as everyone was shivering along with one employee puking due to the wretched stinks!

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All the exits were inexplicably sealed shut. The Sheriff was still with us and he drew his gun to blast out the largest window but the bullet bounced off. Thankfully he ordered everyone in another room so it simply embedded in a wooden wall rather than accidentally striking someone. He tried a few more time with no results. Our resident vampire Drake Alexander was the strongest among us and he attempted to punch the window with brute 5th generation vampire strength. The glass actually cracked but instantly repaired itself while a sinister cackling came from nowhere and everywhere all at once. Some of the employees were crying while another screamed,”What is going on here?!”

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Things didn’t get any better as several horrifying specters flew about us making menacing gestures. One employee was huddled in a corner whispering,”It’s all holograms and special effects. They’re just trying to scare us! It’s not real!” Rebecca Abernathy our resident witch let loose her natural born witchcraft power of the Mystic Sphere. A translucent pink metaphysical energy bubble that extends around her like a super shield. The employees not in the true supernatural know looked on in amazement while she tried crashing it through the window and walls! The window shattered but then rebuilt itself in an instant!

Suddenly the sunny day outside turned pitch black while the lights went out. Thank God Rebecca’s Mystic Sphere kept a pink light glowing! Most of the employees were in a panic trying to find a way out as I attempted to calm everyone down. I told them it was a high tech Halloween haunted house with some malfunctions that we’re trying to work out. Sheriff Maverick nervously nodded in agreement. Rebecca said we were looking right into five-dimensional hyper-space as the entire lighthouse phased between Universes under immense paranormal power! Julia said she felt the birth of a powerful Poltergeist! Apparently, the fear of so many people in the lighthouse was the final catalyst needed for the poltergeist to form. It was a terrifying entity made up of lost souls forcibly wrapped in evil energies under the mental control of a dead wicked witch! We needed to get out of the lighthouse before we all died!

We had the Sheriff keep watch on the civilians with his flashlight in hand as the rest of our team headed up the steps to the beacon of the lighthouse itself. As we got closer it was glowing an eerie crimson color. Julia, Rebecca, and Drake could feel the strong unholy presence in the lightroom. Suddenly the ice cold air turned seriously hot as the entity stopped sucking thermal energy and instead was bursting it forth in defiance. Rebecca powered forth her Mystic Sphere to absorb the heat. She expanded it to encapsulate the entire room in an attempt to capture the poltergeist. She recited a powerful witchcraft spell that included utilizing Drakes unique vampire blood. Ghostbuster Rob began setting up quantum disruption devices around the lighthouse. It causes supernatural unsettling at the level of reality where energy meets matter. This is where otherworldly entities interact with our world. This disruption would force all aspects of the poltergeist into the lightroom.

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The poltergeist began shooting objects at us but Drake and Zack Powers our bionic boy wonder caught them all at super speed! The witch who was the brains of the blasphemous beast screamed obscenities at us and promised our long agonized death at her hands! The entire lighthouse began to shake as Rob set off the disruption devices and Rebecca bellowed forth serious incantations. We were holding on to things as it seemed like a violent earthquake was taking place. People were ducking down because objects not bolted down were flying all over the place. Flashes of light began bursting outside the windows in the pitch black darkness. We could see glimmers of the physical world returning as a sickening looking specter became trapped in Rebecca’s supernatural sphere. It took a hideous female form and angrily yelled,”Damn you all to hell!” Rebecca replied,”No you’re going to hell old hag!”

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Rebecca began compressing the sphere into a smaller form forcing the metaphysical energy out of the poltergeist. It was almost like juicing the entity as if it was a fruit! As the sphere disappeared we could hear the witch scream,”Noooooooooooo!” She was separated from the now destroyed poltergeist and destined for hell or at the least the Underworld. All the lighthouse ghosts were freed from their forced damnation at the hands of the wicked witch. A few of the ghosts were able to overcome the Curse and finally crossed over into the light that leads Heaven. This was due to them surfing the released metaphysical energy from the poltergeist-like a wave to freedom on Heaven’s sandy shores. Only Drake, Rebecca, and Julia actually saw or felt it take place. Unfortunately, the curse could not be broken! We will continue to figure out how to break it so the lost souls within can finally find peace!

All the chaos stopped and we could see the sunny shores of Luminary Lake outside the window again. The doors opened and everyone ran out to breath a sigh of relief and inhale the fresh summer air. A few of the employees who were non-believers finally accepted the world of the supernatural was real but couldn’t handle it. The rest refused to accept this was real and their sub-conscious conflict traumatized them. Drake, Rebecca, and Julia worked to hypnotize everyone to remember a duller version that was explained as a Halloween haunted house experiment. Hopefully, they wouldn’t have too many nightmares in the following weeks.

The Sheriff locked up the lighthouse but not before Rebecca placed a powerful protection spell upon it ensuring nobody would utilize it for malevolent means! I gave the employees the rest of the day off while us Executives kept working onward in the quest to eradicate supernatural evil from the world! No more field trips on National Light House Day ever again! Lesson Learned!

By Xavier Remington, Mystic Investigations President


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