On National Dog Day some of the Mystic Investigations team volunteered at the local dog shelter. While there our Demi-Mermaid Witch Rebecca Abernathy sensed one dog wasn’t quite right. This went beyond the panicked state the dog appeared to be in. Her Zoopathic animal communication powers told her a Black Labrador Retriever had a human mind! Our Psychic Julia Hathaway walked in and said the same thing! They communicated with the man dog and he telepathically said a Gypsy turned him into a canine after he accidentally hit her dog with a car. They kidnapped him right out of the vehicle and held him for a week until their transmutation ritual was complete. Indeed this was the man reported missing a week ago. His name is Pepe Hernandez.
We officially adopted the dog and brought him to Rebecca’s witch lair in the sub-basement of Mystic Investigations headquarters. He calmed down as we reassured him that we were here to help. We also figured out that some of his panic was due to his new ability to see ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, demons, and even nature deities. This is true of all animals and babies as well. We let Pepe know that they rarely hurt animals. Most non-corporeal entities also simply don’t have enough supernatural steam to affect the physical world.
A Carefully Crafted Canine Curse!
In concert with our Cryptozoologist Dr. Ashley Abercrombie we attempted to return Pepe to human form. Things might have been a lot easier if his consciousness was simply transferred to a dog and his body was still intact. Unfortunately, it was a complete transformation that required deeply dark powerful magic of a complicated sort. It was also intertwined with a curse making things even worse. On top of that, the curse was metaphysically melded with the Gypsy who cast it. Even a powerful witch like Rebecca couldn’t reverse the curse-ridden spell! Dr. Abercrombie looked into using an experimental shape-shifting formula but we risked turning the man into a pile of biological goo!
Gypsy Leader Vadoma
We visited the Gypsy at her local encampment on the edge of the Enchanted Woodland. Her name was Vadoma and she was the leader of the gypsies who had only arrived in town three weeks ago. We respectfully reasoned with her to change Pepe back. I also asked why she didn’t bring the dog back to life if she had such power. She angrily refused to turn the man back and then admitted she did resurrect the dog! Vadoma stubbornly exclaimed, “Nobody screws with the Gypsies! He shall remain a canine for the remainder of his dog life!” Clearly, that would be less than a decade!
The Stubborn Gypsy
Rebecca started to get mad! I could see her enchanted eyes beginning to glow green with powerful witchcraft magic. However, I knew messing with Gypsies, in general, was a really bad idea and these particular ones seemed to have immense power! I calmed her down and we left empty-handed. While the rest of the team walked away I apologized to the Gypsy for agitating her as I wasn’t interested in her cursing us! I implored her one last time to perhaps change Pepe back in a year or two. She roared, “No! He made my precious dog Timbo suffer! Mr.Hernandez will die like the dog that he is!” I lowered my head in silent respect as I bid her farewell. Now the man-dog named Pepe is our new watchdog until we can cure him! Hopefully, these Gypsies won’t cause any more trouble or we will be forced to deal with them the hard way!
Who Is Pepe Hernandez?
Between Rebecca’s Zoopathic powers and Julia’s psychic ability, we were able to piece together Pepe’s human life. Pepe was a recent immigrant from Mexico who had lost his entire family to a violent drug cartel. He and his family refused to cooperate with them. He was forced to flee his noble nation. Pepe had hoped to start anew once he became a legal citizen with bilingual skills. He had recently gotten work as a Spanish-speaking customer service rep for an international company. Unfortunately, just as he was making a life for himself the Gypsies cursed him. At least we knew that nobody other than his employer and friends at work would miss him.
Since there’s no way anyone would believe he’s a dog he is still reported as missing. Hopefully, when he returns to human form someday he’ll get his job back. Not to mention his apartment. We reassured him he would always have a job at Mystic Investigations and we would set him up with a place to live and a vehicle as well! In the meantime, he’s embraced being a dog and often treks into the nearby forest to have the unique experience of deeply communing with nature on a level no average human could know. He also enjoys chasing down and scaring some people in the community who bullied him for his immigrant status!
Update: Not Even Santa Claus Could Reverse The Curse! 
We brought Pepe on our annual vacation to North Pole City during Christmas 2018. Santa was able to immediately reverse the curse with his awesome Demi-Angel powers, the Christmas Spirit, and Enochian Angel magic under the holy light of the Christmas Star. Pepe jumped with joy as he became human again. Unfortunately, it only works within the sainted holy walls of North Pole City. Santa also told us that he could feel the raw powerful darkness of the Gypsy curse actually seeping through the magical barrier of the winter wonderland. The sinister stubbornness of the curse defied even the most holy sanctuary on Earth.
The Gypsy Curse Attacks North Pole City!
With each passing day, the perfect utopia witnessed a bit of bad luck that continued to grow. After a child slipped on ice and broke their leg that was the last straw. Santa healed the child instantly but told us what the supernatural score was. Pepe said he didn’t want to destroy this most holy and happiest of places on Earth. We left with him and once we flew away on our jet he turned back into a dog! That being said, we bring him back every year to be human on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day before Santa reverses his enchantments. As a dog, he can romp around the North Pole without any negative paranormal perplexities.
National Make A Dogs Day
On National Make A Dog’s Day, the Mystic Investigations Team took our adopted cursed Black Labrador Retriever to see the Ice Cream Man. The Ice Cream Man parks his truck in the park and sets up a table most days, weather permitting. The dog in question, Pepe, was a former human cursed by Gypsies. The curse has thus far been irreversible. The only exception is when Pepe resides within the holy mystical ice walls of Santa’s North Pole City during Christmas. Our resident witch temporarily tweaked the curse to give Pepe a hand so he could enjoy his ice cream with some human dignity. A few people noticed something was off but the hand reverted back to a dog paw within minutes.?
[…] Or are the Doo family the product of magic? Perhaps they were all human at one time, and were cursed to be dogs for all the rest of their days? Could such a thing exist in a parallel Universe? Sure why not! […]