Will Time Ever End?

Firstly, time itself will never end because it is simply the dimension that any entity is embedded in.  As they are a part of said dimension they end up living in a reality of the next lower dimension. It’s somewhat the same as existing on a spherical Earth that appears flat to us.  In our case, we exist in the third dimension so time for us is the fourth dimension of space-time.  Our only evidence that we exist in the 4th dimension is the passage of time which is a direct result of our movement across that dimension plane.  If all celestial movement was to cease time would freeze!

Time and mass movement are necessary properties of physical existence. Time is needed to separate environmental events and thoughts within one’s consciousness for the sake of sane order in lieu of confusing chaos.  That being said each higher dimension transitions closer, and closer to pure informational thought, or a state of pure non-corporeal energy.  With successive dimensions, time is dictated more on one’s consciousness rather than the dimension their physicality or spirit is sewn upon. This occurs as being in sync with other conscious entities temporal interpretations become far less necessary. At the deepest foundational levels, our consciousness is capable of producing time, or the chronological passage of events.  So in the midst of a temporally frozen reality a sufficiently powerful sapient being could still function normally.

Secondly, our Universe is one of nearly infinite Parallel Universes within our Multiverse.  One of nearly infinite Multiverses in our Omniverse with infinite Omniverses existing outside ours as well.  All making up the greater Macroverse which is thought to be a God-like entity or consciousness matrix composed of an infinite network of sentient beings. So time will always exist somewhere in some form for eternity, and beyond!

The End Of The Universe!

In our Universe Physicists theorize that all matter will eventually break down along will all energy being sucked away into massive black holes. Those black holes will eventually dissipate into Hawking Radiation. Supposedly Quadrillions of years from now even that will evaporate away into the five dimensional void beyond.  Then there would be nothing left but an empty eternal 4-d shell perhaps eventually colliding with a Parallel Universe shattering into dimensional debris flung to the very Heavens itself!  Truly our existences, and all we knew of would be dust in the wind!  However, said dimensional collision may very well cause another Big Bang creating a new Universe that would eventually evolve sentient life!

Thankfully our Universe isn’t guided by a pre-programmed rigid law of physics! It’s a supernatural reality teeming with Gods and all manner of higher dimensional entities including future humans who ascend to the 5th dimension through fantastical technologies. As they exist outside our time frame they are already there as we speak just as we’re already in the Heavenly Afterlife at this moment.  It’s said that at some point the foundational programming of our reality as dictated by the Omniverse God will have the equivalent of a copyright expiration.  Most likely at the moment the last sentient being passes away in the Universe.  Then the programming rights will be open for any higher dimensional beings to re-program.  More than likely the Universe will be reset for life to re-evolve again or perhaps the higher dimensionals will simply turn it into a giant vacation resort!  The purpose of Universes is to evolve intelligent life, collect knowledge, and experiences while growing Gods who will ascend to higher planes of existence. Once that purpose has ended the Universe can be used for anything!  So it’s almost assured time will never end in our never-ending Universe!

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