🐺Browse Current And Past Paranormal Activity Forecasts…
Easter Bunny Watch
With Easter only 10 days away you should expect to see the little furry fella, know as the Easter Bunny, hopping about to and fro hiding Easter eggs and spreading…
Alien Alert
Over the past week UFOs have been spotted over various American cities. Further investigation has revealed that the UFOs belong to a group of green aliens who came to find…
April Fool Alert
The April Fool is a magical paranormal being who appears to be a jester that performs various pranks and generally harmless mischief on April Fools Day (April 1st). The Fool…
Supermoon Super Werewolf Alert
Due to the March 19th full Supermoon expect an unusual increase in werewolf activity. Especially since this is the closest the full moon has been to the Earth since 1993!…
Leprechaun & Clurichaun Watch In Effect Through March
The previous watches for Leprechauns & Clurichauns are still in effect even more so as we approach St.Patrick’s Day. You should generally experience good luck this week if you truly believe…
Poltergeist Warning Canceled. Ghost Watch In Effect.
Due to the Earths Geomagnetic fields being calm we have canceled the Poltergeist warning. Although due to active solar flares we have issued a ghost watch. The poltergeist watch encompasses…