Recent Supernatural Forecasts

Halloween Hunter’s Super Blood Moon Werewolf Warning

In the supernatural world, the October Moon is always a Blood Moon without any lunar eclipse in play. This sinister...
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Super Harvest Moon Partial Eclipse Werewolf Warning

The September 2024 Harvest Moon is under the metaphysical management of an armada of Agricultural Gods and Goddesses from a...
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Lunar Goddess Supermoon Werewolf Warning

The August 2024 Full Moon falls under the neutral authority of the global Lunar Goddess faction. Most months find the...
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Thunder Moon Werewolf Warning

The Thunder Moon of July falls under the domain of Lightning and Thunder Gods. Leading the paranormal pack are the...
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🌕 Summer Solstice Moon Werewolf Warning

The Moon of June is usually the Strawberry or Honey Moon. However, in the supernatural world, 2024 gifts us The...
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Flower Moon Werewolf Warning

🌕The Full Flower Moon of May finds its enchanted energies under the control of various Flower Deities. Despite this Werewolves...
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Pink Moon Werewolf Warning

The Pink Moon of April generally grants us a calming effect when it comes to Werewolves and other forms of...
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Lucky Saint Spring Easter Moon Werewolf Warning

🍀The Moon of March 25th, 2024 has been dubbed The Lucky Saint Spring Easter Moon. This Moon is holy due...
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Saintly Spring Moon Werewolf Warning

The usual Snow or Ice Moon of February has been canceled within the world of the supernatural. This month's Moon...
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🐺 Wolf Moon Werewolf Warning

 A Wolf Moon Werewolf Warning is in effect until midnight on January 31st! The metaphysical energy of this moon...
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Holy Christmas Yule Moon Werewolf Alert

The Holy Yule Moon of December presents us with the safest lunar cycle in the realm of paranormal activity. In...
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Thanksgiving Unity Moon Werewolf Warning

This November's lunar cycle is a rare Thanksgiving Unity Moon. The Thanksgiving Spirit is about giving thanks for the positive...
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🐺Browse Current And Past Paranormal Activity Forecasts…


Werewolf Warning

The moon is at 96% full and conditions are perfect for werewolf activity(80% full moon required for humans to transform into werewolves).  Werewolves have been spotted in your area the…


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