Super Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon Werewolf Watch

As you may have read in earlier paranormal forecasts, the Yule Moon of December yield smaller timid white furred Werewolves.   Humans who have been Werewolves for less than 7 years will not transform at all.  Now we have unusual coincidence of a Lunar Eclipse coinciding with a yule moon.  On top of that it’s a … Read more

Yule Moon Albino Werewolf Watch

The full Yule Moon of December is imbued with the magical Spirit Of Christmas.  Therefore a good number of humans afflicted with the Lycanthropy virus will not transform during the silent nights of this full moon.  However, older Werewolves will transform.  Those humans who have been Werewolves for 7 years or more.  During this mystical … Read more

Werewolf Watch

The moon is at 80% plus of full so be extremely aware of your surroundings in the night time hours, and take note of any movements within the shadows of the silvery moon.  The Dark Moon of November coupled with the close proximity of the Blood Moon of October will create particularly nasty Werewolf attacks.  … Read more

Blood Moon Werewolf Warning

October brings us the infamous full Blood Moon which is often a reddish color early in the evening due to the light scattering properties of atmospheric particles effecting the low lying moon.  That’s the scientific explanation.  In reality demonic forces of evil from higher dimensions send blood rays to wash over the moon in order to … Read more

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