Ice Moon Werewolf Warning

Many Werewolf sightings have been reported over the past week, and the dangers of the vicious wolf monsters still lurks as the Moon is still at 91% of full.  Luckily the Ice Moon has little negative effect on Werewolf activity.  However there have been a handful of reported Lycanthrope attacks reported across North America.  Global statistics … Read more

Friday The 13th Demonic Werewolf Warning

Friday The 13th is one of the few days certain ArchDemons are let loose from hell.  Archdemons are powerful fallen Archangels who now dwell in the bloody sea of eternal evil.  Once in our reality they seek out violent rage filled paranormal creatures.  Since the moon is still above 80% full, Werewolves are the top … Read more

January Wolf Moon Werewolf Warning

The January Wolf moon is probably the most dangerous full moon of the entire year due to all Werewolves uncharacteristically teeming up into violent packs to terrorize humanity during the long cold winter nights.  Normally Werewolves are solitary creatures.  This doesn’t include Werewolves conscious of their Lycanthropic condition who willing join wolf packs, and don’t normally … Read more

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