May 3, 2024
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11 years ago

To Rebecca or anyone versed in mermaid biology.
-Do mermaids have knee joints or are their tails smooth like a fish or snake?
-Are mermaids completely covered in scales but the scales of their upper bodies are fine and translucent or do they have scales only on their lower bodies?
-What exactly is the deal between mermaids and moonlight?
-Surely by now wouldn’t have the mer have found a way (or used magick) to have their parts in sea form or to procreate in sea form?

Rebecca Abernathy
11 years ago
Reply to  Magusstar

-Do mermaids have knee joints or are their tails smooth like a fish or snake? They do have knee like joints in their tails. When rest upon rocks or the beach to bask in the sun they can be seen kneeling sometimes. These knee joints are remnants of their bipedal Atlantis ancestors.
-Are mermaids completely covered in scales but the scales of their upper bodies are fine and translucent or do they have scales only on their lower bodies? Only their low half has scales. The upper half appears human. However their skin is of a different biochemical composition that’s made to be in the water all the time.
-What exactly is the deal between mermaids and moonlight? Many paranormal creatures have a relationship with the Moon whose light has mystical properties. The full Moon activates their latent human properties. Particularly lower limbs. The people of the lost continent of Atlantis still wanted to keep a part of their human selves within their new Mermaid form. Also to allow a person to choose to return to human life if they so chose. The Moon’s symbiotic properties with the supernatural were exploited when by Wexel the Supreme Wizard Of Atlantis when he activated latent alien DNA, and utilized magic to produce Mermaids. They choose the Mermaid form not just because their Continent was sinking into the ocean. Obviously they could have moved anywhere on the planet with their technology. However they saw the future of Earth, and the destruction of their people. It was also the will of the supernatural powers that be including the sea Gods that they remain one with the ocean. On the continent of Atlantis the sea was a big part of everyones life.
-Surely by now wouldn’t have the mer have found a way (or used magick) to have their parts in sea form or to procreate in sea form? All supernatural beings seems to have limits on their ability to have offspring. I suppose it’s natures way of insuring they don’t dominate the planet. Mermaids are set in their traditions, and they know that if their population grow too large they might be discovered by the governments of Earth. Governments that have a track record of death, and destruction. There are some recorded incidents of Mermaid scientists, wizards, and witch’s getting together to work on this issue. However it was apparent that various Gods, and Goddesses became angered including Mother Earth herself. Mother Nature (Goddess Gaia), and the forces of Heaven have a plan of balance for the beings of the natural, and supernatural.

11 years ago

Also, do the merfolk have differrent variety of tail types and colours?(e.g. like lionfish, goldfish, angelfish etc.)

Rebecca Abernathy
11 years ago
Reply to  Magusstar

Yes Mermaids have different colors of tail which denote their heritage. Everyone in a family will usually have the same tail color. Upper echelon members of the royal family will be metallic gold. Those born into the privilege, or so they say, of service to the royals will have metallic silver tails. Blue, and violet compromise most other royals including myself. Members of my family are mostly blue. Other colors include crimson red, bright orange, yellow, and green. There have been cases of white albino Mermaids which have the power of seeing the future, and are honored figures among Mermaids. Every so often a black tail is born. They are usually shunned, and cast out of society as they almost always turn evil. They say it’s from the introduction of demonic DNA. When a Mermaid is sick or dies their tail turns a sickly gray. Before a funeral the tail is usually painted it’s natural color. However Mermaids rarely get sick except through black magic. Death is also rare due to their immortality, and ability to withstand great damage.

11 years ago

Is it true that someone can become a mermaid themselves? And if they can, how?

11 years ago

Do they have any kind costumes or traditions?
What language they speak?
How they live their daily lifes?
What happens when they find or kidnap the sons/daughters of the ones that changed to human form? Are they in danger or they just want them back?
Can a merfolk, that fell in love with a human but don’t want to live as one, come and go as she/he please to see the loved one with or without a pregnancy involved?
How is the “monarchy” of merfolks?

Rebecca Abernathy
11 years ago
Reply to  NaNa

Mermaids speak Atlantean since Atlantis was the origin of their creation. Mermaids who have spread to other communities around the world in other oceans besides the Atlantic speak altered variations of Atlantean. It’s thought that some Atlanteans who failed to transform into Mermaids eventually spread aspects of the language which eventually became the Greek language. The written form somewhat resembles Greek. However the spoken form sounds quite different even on land. Under the sea communication is mostly telepathic when in close quarters. At a distance Mermaids speak underwater using a dolphin like translation of squeaks, and clicks.

There’s not many costumes as it’s difficult to keep clothes in place underwater. Also clothing interferes with swimming. Mermaids have been known to wear jewelry, and sea shells. Royals in particular adorn themselves with crowns, and jewelry of gold, silver, and precious stones.

There are many traditions stemming from Atlantis. Despite subsisting off a mystical form of seaweed, and other vegetation Mermen partake of ritualistic shark hunts to celebrate the coming of age of a Merboy along with offering sacrifices to the Sea Gods such as Poseidon. When Mermen, and Mermaids become adults they can travel to the human world for one month. At the end of that time they can choose to remain human, and have all their supernatural DNA removed with the blessing of the Atlantis royals who would otherwise forbid any of their people leaving to live with humans, or even to go live in another Mermaid colony. Those who choose to be fully human are shunned, and forbidden from ever seeing their families again. Naturally few choose this. Those who want to be free of the royals just leave unannounced in order to retain their Mermaid powers.

The Monarchy has created a Utopian paradise thanks to strict rules that have kept the peace, and the secret of Mermaid existence from the world. Those who wish to be free may speak out against them, or simply leave. Either way the royals don’t tolerate such insolence. They crack down upon any dissenters with a vengeance as an example to others who might follow the path to freedom. A path that might be dangerous to the entire Mermaid world if they exposed.

As far as I know they take back the children of Mermaids who choose to live as humans, and then place them with Mermaid families. If they get the Mermaid, or Merman themselves back they can plead to be reintegrated back into society after a period of harsh jailed rehabilitation, and probation. Others are put to death, and sacrificed to the Sea Gods to make up for the lack of gratitude the dissenters seem to show for their paranormal lives.

A Mermaid, or Merman can secretly visit humans since they are free to roam the sea, and nobody has them under 24-7 surveillance. Although once gone too long their whereabouts must be accounted for. Relationships with humans are expressly forbidden, and hybrid pregnancies are seen as a blasphemy but such children are adopted into the community since they are made to look like full Mermaids.

A Mermaids daily life is mostly a care free charmed existence so as long as they don’t defy the royal family. There is virtually no hardships due to Mermaids being immortal, never getting sick, and having super abilities. They mainly pursue artistic, scientific, and magical activities at their leisure. Many just swim about the sea exploring, and communing with nature. Those who wish to excel, and crave power volunteer to be in direct servitude to the royals in order to maintain a proper government which includes various perks. One archaic aspect of Mermaid society is the ability of a royal, or their upper echelon servants, to choose any husband, or wife they so choose against their will. If a Merman Prince spots a random Mermaid minding her own business, and he fancies her, then she will be his unless she escapes to parts unknown. The same thing can happen to non-royal Mermen as well. The royals can also conscript anyone into service for them if they can show that the person was disrespectful to a royal in someway.

10 years ago

how can you be sure if your destined to become a mermaid when recarnated?

Rebecca Abernathy
10 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

Reincarnation doesn’t really exist as it’s taught. Yes people are sometimes born multiple times in the same Universe. It’s a roll of the dice as to whether the frequency signature of your soul will be duplicated. There’s no way to know if you will happen to be born as a mermaid at some point but you definitely will somewhere in the grand Multiverse.

10 years ago

Rebbeca I’ve met this teacher whose coming from the lightship and was here 2000 years ago that did not follow the path of reincarnation. He’s one the light being in Jesus body that made Jesus able to heal people. He’s not healing by using any entity rather using the light source. He said there’s a bar code that prevented us to ascend that we are force to be born here again and again by the darkside. Everything has a code including a death bar codes. And yes there’s a parrarel universe and clones. He took us the listener to the lightship on zero time where the true light being from the light exist. The time didn’t exist in the light. He also said that Gaia is a male entity and left earth on October 2011 to find his twin soul. So the space holder is the one that holding earth right now and the lightship destroyed Nibiru. He said every country in the world is against the darkside entities and has a peace troop that being transported to the future and fought the aliens as well. His name is Ron Amitron. Go ahead and check him on google and his website and please tell me what you think. He said the only person on earth that really sent from and as similar to him from the lightship is Princess Diana.

10 years ago

Rebecca what do find interesting about yourself? (as a Demi-Mermaid)

Rebecca Abernathy
10 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

I like how I never have to use the toilet. 🙂 As a Demi-Mermaid I don’t have to relieve myself of any bodily solids or liquids unless I totally stray from a certain diet parameter, or consume to much food, and beverage. I haven’t used the toilet for over 10 years now. Xavier likes how I never scold him for leaving the toilet seat up since I never use the thing.

10 years ago

very interesting got any more this to add? also will mermaids fight in armegddom?

Rebecca Abernathy
10 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

Most of the Mermaid populations pledge allegiance to their respective Sea Gods, and vow to fight in Armageddon on their side. Although some dissenting voices want to remain neutral thinking they’ll be left alone hidden under the deep oceans. During a full fledged global Armageddon anyone deemed an enemy on a boat will find hoards of Mermen, and Mermaid shooting through their ships causing them to sink.

10 years ago

how do you feel about being a Demi-Mermaid yourself and what would life be like for you if you were human within this reality?

Rebecca Abernathy
10 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

I wouldn’t like being completely human without even witchcraft powers. I’d probably feel absolutely helpless, and scared. If I was human I’d especially miss my empathic powers which allow me to sense how animals are feeling, and communicate with sea life. Dolphins in particular I can hold conversations with. I’d probably jump whenever a dog ran at me barking without my Faunapathic powers calming them down.

10 years ago

How do you feel about being a demi-mermaid though? in general? is it a blessing that few people get to experience to you?

Rebecca Abernathy
10 years ago
Reply to  AnDagra

Clearly it’s a blessing to be a Demi-Mermaid but it’s all I know. I don’t really wake up every morning thinking how lucky I am. It’s just how my life is. From what I can tell most people are shut off from complete awareness of nature, the planet, and the greater Universe. Humans feel only a superficially dulled exterior of reality. I can feel the vibrations, energy, and feelings of animals, people, plants, and the very Mother Earth that sustains me. Especially within the oceans, and other bodies of water where the life force of the planet can be most felt. If I became human I would probably feel like I lost a limb being cut off from all that.

10 years ago

alright thanks Rebecca!

10 years ago

What is the color of your blood, Rebecca?

Rebecca Abernathy
10 years ago
Reply to  Touhou

Mermaid blood is blue since it’s copper based, and human blood is red due to be iron based so that would give Demi-Mermaid’s purple blood. Although mine is Magenta closer to the red side since the more powerful a good witch the more oxygenated the blood is, and the lighter red it is. In humans anyway. Magic affects human blood more than Mermaid blood. Although when my blood dries, aka depleted of oxygen, it looks dark purple.

10 years ago

What are your favorite kind of spell and least favorite?

9 years ago

Where is Atlantis?
How can you found it?

Rebecca Abernathy
9 years ago
Reply to  hellbender290

Only those with Mermaid blood can find the underwater world of Mermaids. I will say it lie almost directly in between the island of Bermuda, and the Azores.

9 years ago

Is this city magically cloaked? How deep is Atlantis? I wonder how they can survive the megaton pressure of deep sea.

9 years ago

My friend says you can’t shave your legs or you lose your each hair is 10 scales
Is this true? I want to become a mermaid so bad and don’t want to mess up.

Rebecca Abernathy
9 years ago
Reply to  hellbender290

Ah like Xavier said this weird hair shaving stuff is totally made up. No need to keep posting this question multiple times.

8 years ago

How did Mermaid’s Get to the great Lakes If they are in the ocean.

8 years ago

Thanks for the answer.

8 years ago

Correction Are Mermaids Immune to Zombification

8 years ago

Can Merfolk be brought across by vampires? Sorry if I’m asking a lot of questions that you might not have the time to answer.

Drake Alexander
7 years ago
Reply to  Deathj

Yes Mermaid, and Mermen can be transformed into vampires whether in their fish, or human form. However they are often discovered rather quickly in Atlantis, and other Merfolk communities. Conveniently they aren’t beholden to the rules of being a Merperson, and can revert to permanent human form to live in our society.

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