The Mystic Sphere is a known active paranormal power passed down genetically through lines of Sorcerers, Wizards, Warlocks, and Witches. Although it is most prevalent in Hereditary Witches. It may have been formed from magic mingling with the latent DNA that grants some the psychokinetic powers of Force Field Generation and Manipulation. That being said, the magical power only exhibits itself in 5% of those with magical heritage. Although, it can be duplicated via a combination of magical spells and potions. Among witches, the super sphere is seen more often in those with Atlantean Mermaid heritage. Interestingly enough, it wasn’t primarily used as a protective mobile bubble within the ocean but rather as a mechanism to allow Mermaids to leave the sea. A way to fly over the ocean and the land they could only see occasionally if they took the right steps to attain a temporary human form. Naturally, it’s an excellent way for land-dwelling witches to submerge into the deep sea.
Mystic Investigations member Senior Vice-President Rebecca Abernathy possesses this awesome power! Not only is she a natural-born witch but also a Demi-Mermaid (Mermaid-Human Hybrid). When someone possessing the supernatural sphere calls forth its name with authority, it appears around the person as a transparent spherical shield of metaphysical energy. Generally, the coloring is neon blue for males, and neon pink for females. However, the hue can vary based on one’s own personality and the supernatural state of their aura. The Mystic Sphere emanates from a specific enchanted gene that in turn draws from the person’s magical energy reserves along with their very soul itself!
Personal Paranormal Protection
The Mystic Sphere is a protective paranormal power bubble that acts as a defensive energy shield against virtually any force it comes up against. This includes magical attacks. It can even resist the incursion of dark spirits and poltergeists. The sphere can deflect various projectiles such as bullets and small rockets! It’s solid to the touch but the master of the sphere can allow other people or anything else to pass through the bubble barrier at will. It forms initially at 6 feet in diameter but it can expand in size with greater power and concentration. However, the protective abilities exponentially decrease without additional magical countermeasures. It can be shrunk as well with less effort resulting in greater power. Unfortunately, this paranormal pressurization can prove explosively dangerous if not done with great care! With extreme practice, the Mystic Sphere can become a skin-tight shrink-wrap shield of exponential magnitude. This state is beyond dangerous to the person inside and those around them! It has the potential of a small nuclear-type explosion and should only be used in extreme circumstances.
Accomplished special magic masters can also call forth other Mystic Spheres independent of theirs, or microspheres within their hands which can be launched at adversaries to repel or trap them within. In addition, the Mystic Sphere also has the power of Transvection, aka Levitation, which allows the practitioner of magic to soar into any three-dimensional direction at varying speeds. Well beyond the speed of sound is possible by advanced witches! It can easily soar above the clouds into the higher layers of the atmosphere with increasing degrees of difficulty. Only those seriously powered up can make it into outer space. Indeed, the beautiful bubble provides protection from the vacuum of space, radiation, solar brightness, and virtually anything else. The temperature within remains stable as well with a limited oxygen supply. Magic can replenish this with additional metaphysical energy input. With perplexing practice, the Mystic Sphere can pass through solid objects with people and objects within. That can include walls, rock, and into the very Earth as well. The enchanted environment briefly phases slightly out of our quantum reality to accomplish this. This presents the potential to travel beyond our realm. Such a feat causes a major power drain!
The Space-Worthy Sphere Of A Supernatural Sort!
In 2011 Rebecca Abernathy became the first verified case of a Mystic Sphere traveling into the void of outer space. There have been a few other records in secret supernatural history but there is no solid proof of these ancient accounts. The travel into space occurred when Rebecca was forced to pursue extraterrestrials to the Moon. Some of us at Mystic Investigations had been abducted by aliens and she took extreme enchanted measures to acquire the power to save us! The super sphere provided full protection against space radiation, extreme temperatures, space debris, and intense solar light. She also had plenty of oxygen. Far more than could have been trapped within the enchanted energy ball. This suggests that it protects occupants from all dangers even if it means magically producing oxygen or some natural mix of Earthly air. However, all this may be due to Rebecca calling forth the awesome power of the Heart Of The Mystical Forest which may have supercharged this particular extraordinary Mystic Sphere! Since that time she hasn’t been able to duplicate the amazing events of that day!
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