Top Ten Proof Of Time Travel

  1. Charlie Chaplin Movie Cell Phone
  2. Compact Disc Case In The 1800’s
  3. Hit & Run Victim From The Past
  4. The Montauk Project
  5. The Time Traveling Hipster – Actually it’s Mystic Investigations very own Michael Remington!  He had been in the 1960’s earlier, and forgot to change once he was in 1941.
  6. The Philadelphia Experiment
  7. Sir Victor Goddard Flight To The Future
  8. Swiss Watch Ring In Chinese Tomb
  9. The Moberly-Jourdain Incident
  10. The Vanishing Hotel  

Michael Remington Time Travel Hipster

The Solar Electrical Grid & Lit Roadway Of The Future

Free electricity, and totally awesome LED lit roadways are the future! These cool streets would be strong solar panels powering our electrical grid by the power of the never ending Sun. Excess energy not used during the day is stored in batteries for night usage. These damage resistant roads would last a lot longer than concrete, and asphalt, thereby ending the never ending nightmare of long term road construction. If a panel is damaged it would only have to be removed, and replaced with a new one. Traffic lines, and directions would be dynamically displayed in the streets. Easily reconfigured by computer. Same goes for parking lots, sidewalks, driveways, and sporting courts at parks. Such courts could be changed by users for any sport they’d like.

These pressure sensitive roadways would also detect people, animals, and obstructions that might not be seen in the dark. Flashing warning lights in the road would certainly alert the driver in time to slow down, and watch out for danger. Drunk drivers or those suffering sudden health issues, who might be swerving on the street would get flashing, and guiding lights to either compel them to stop, or keep them going safely until the authorities arrive. With the electric car becoming the inevitable roadway standard, there would always be somewhere to re-charge vehicles. Even in the middle of rural areas. Heating elements would keep all surfaces warm in the winter thereby eliminating the need for plows, salt, sand, and shoveling. If the power from this immense solar energy still wasn’t enough to power our society then most roofs of homes, and businesses, could be covered in solar panels as well.

The technology, and costs involved are not yet in true existence to the point where this can be completely feasible. In addition greedy energy interests will fight to suppress this technology. A common method is to buy out patents, and then mothball it! If that doesn’t work then there’s the miracle of politicians being bought off by corporate campaign donations, and lobbyist insider trading information. The plutocratic, and corporate powers that be will always fight against the betterment of humankind in favor of their selfish building of excessive wealth! Thankfully these futuristic animated avenues will begin to spring up across the USA, and the world in the mid to late 21st century. By the mid 22nd century most roads, sidewalks, and driveways will be high tech smart surfaces! Of course by then flying cars will be in full swing as well!

Other Videos About Solar Roadways | Learn More About Solar Energy


The Time Traveler From 1970

Our paranormal investigations team had Its annual Labor Day Picnic at Luminary Lake. All was well until a crazed-looking man in his early 20’s, named Chad Addams, ran up to our group of tables. I nearly choked on my hot dog as he yelled, “Are you the Mystic Investigations folks?” He claimed he had time traveled from the year 1970 via a one-way time machine he invented. Apparently, he was smart enough to check a phone book for paranormal investigators as anyone else would brand him a loon! Our phone message told him we were at the park by the lake celebrating Labor Day. Chad had purposely set his time machine for 40 years into the future to see the wonders he had dreamed of.  His device was off by 6 years but he was still deeply disappointed. Read The Rest Of The Story On Our Supernatural Stories Blog…

Best Chance At Time Travel For The Average Person!

Time Travel DeathFor the average human the best chance at traveling through time is unfortunately when you die!  There is a small window of opportunity where your spirit crosses over to the Afterlife through the Astral Dream Plane.  This can be a confusing state when one’s consciousness is suddenly thrust from their body. That’s why those who practice Astral Projection on a regular basis have the best chance of keeping their wits about them, and concentrating on their temporal task.  Being in a confused state, fixating on your loss of life, or being entranced by the warm white light of Heaven drawing you ever closer will thwart your time travel efforts.  You need to think of nothing but the exact date, and place you want to be in.  Preferably a link to a very emotional memory helps rather than just picking a random calendar date with no memory of what you did back then.  Those seeking a soul mate across time will find their effort far easier.  In addition this method of time travel is moving your spirit, aka metaphysical astral body, through time.  It must be within your own lifetime or your leap to the past will almost virtually be impossible.  If it did happen you’d just be a ghost in the past.  Same would go for a future date as well.  However both are extremely unlikely!

What Is The Mobius Point?
Somewhere between life, and the afterlife there is The Mobius Point within your own Metaphysical Mobius Plane.  As your soul crosses through the Astral Plane, ready to be born into the 5th dimension, your individual souls from every frozen 3-D moment time (perpendicular temporal dimensions) briefly touch each other forming the Mobius Point.  Complete concentration of where, and when you want to be propels your spirit from the point of death anywhere along the intertwined Mobius Strip, or Mobius Plane, of your lifetime. If all goes well you should find yourself possessing your own body in the past.  Although be it a near identical parallel Universe so no temporal paradoxes occur.  Your consciousness of that timeframe will be pushed into the sub-consciousness since future consciousness, and spirits are always dominant.  Your spirit will eventually meld into your spirit of that time frame.  Your past self may re-emerge when you fall asleep, and then reawaken. However you should be able to remain self-aware in the sub-consciousness to re-assert yourself. Eventually you should meld with your past self completely thereby molding your personality more toward the way you were in that time period.

It’s interesting to note that self-possession of one’s past self after death does not require the usual emotional anchor, or mental trickery, to keep you in the past.  This type of time travel doesn’t yield Mother Nature’s normal temporal gravity like pull that screams for you to return to your own time frame.  You’ve died, and your spirit has officially cut ties with your body along with this physical reality.  In essence you’re a free spiritual agent without worry of Father Time’s metaphysical demands!  However the pull of the Afterlife could be a factor.  It’s not uncommon to see white lights the first three days, or so in the past.  Simply ignore the light, and never look directly at it. It will mesmerize you, and your spirit might be drawn into it thereby pulling you into the higher dimensional Heavenly realms!

Once in your past body it’s important not to tell anyone what you’ve done since you will most likely be branded as a total nut who could be put in psychiatric care. Simply enjoy the Astral Projection Secretsblast into the past, and attempt to blend in.  Or begin to change things for the better as most have some regrets from the past they’d like to correct.  Just don’t go full throttle on this, and draw unnecessary attention to yourself!  Some astral projection masters have planned for their death time travel trip by memorizing countless lottery numbers, and other data to make them billionaires in the past.  Going too far might put you on the radar of certain powerful paranormal beings who may believe you have a supernatural source they can exploit, or take from you by force.  Just take things slow, and be patient. If your efforts should fail then traveling back a second time after your next death will be easier.  It’s thought that some moments of déjà vu are from your repeated travels back in time causing residual memories imbued by your spirit on to your physical mind.  If you experience a great amount of déjà vu in one or more portions of your life then odds are you traveled through time!

You should have access to clear memories of that time frame within a day or two of arriving so you won’t have to explain why you don’t know certain things.  This is especially handy if you go back to your childhood, and can’t remember things in school.  Or even a job you were long retired from. Certainly a difficult thing if it’s been several decades!  If you find you’re drawing a blank during that initial time period then fake an illness, or go off on a brief trip somewhere if it wouldn’t be suspicious, so you can have minimum contact with people you know.  It’s also important to write down any information about the future you memorized immediately upon arrival.  Your future memories will fade to an extent as you meld with your past self.  In most cases as more time passes you will become a new person, and forget you ever died.  Only trained mental masters or those with special supernatural abilities can maintain their future persona as it was upon their deathbed.

Deaths Temporal DoorWe highly recommend not going back further than the age of 3 since your physical brain might not be able to handle your adult consciousness.  It plausible you could give yourself a brain aneurysm, or even turn yourself into a vegetable. Ending up in the womb during your development would surely kill your past self before you’ve even been born!  Either way you’d end up most likely crossing back over into the Afterlife by death or being rejected by your baby brain.  Even if you’re successful there is the fact that you would probably be traumatized being an adult in a baby body.  It would be very difficult to hide your adult self.  Another thing that could go wrong is you becoming a ghost anchored to your past self due to spirit rejection.  There would be no porthole to the Afterlife until your death in that scenario. However you could probably possess yourself, and still accomplish your mission of self-improvement, or partake of reliving a pleasant past.

If you really want to travel through time then you should start memorizing things you want to know, and think about having a clear mind when you leave your body on your deathbed.  The best way to train for this is to learn Astral Projection.  Time travel via Astral Projection alone is extremely slim, and isn’t something even Astral Projection Masters can generally achieve.  Astral Grand Masters have been known to do this, and often consider possessing ancient ancestors, or future descendants.  A rare few may even transform their metaphysical energy body into a solid energy form.  They eventually become the paranormal beings known as Travelers!  You can learn how to Astral Project From A Professional Here!  Find Books About Astral Projection.  Good Luck in your final quest to travel through time!

DISCLAIMER: This doesn’t work in cases of suicide for reasons not fully understood. Get professional mental help if you have thoughts of harming yourself!

Beyond Consciousness: 8 Subconscious Techniques to Change Your Life
Beyond Mind


What Is Time?

Temporal DiscordWhat exactly Time is seems to be something quite elusive even for scientists.  The simple answer appears to be that time is the property of movement upon a four dimensional object by three dimensional objects, and beings such as ourselves. This is why time is often referred to as the fourth dimension. However time, or a logical sequence of events, is experienced in the higher dimensions of the Afterlife as well so technically it’s merely movement over the the next higher dimension above, or the foundational fabric of ones reality.  Of course as one move into ever higher dimensions, time is increasingly dictated by ones own consciousness, or the collective consciousness of various spiritual life forces within any given dimensional realm.  This is why the Afterlife doesn’t experience decay, and aging like our Universe.  The origin of time itself is merely the sequence of pure thought events in the mind of the infinite Macroverse God.  Read The Rest Of This Story On Our Paranormal Q & A Blog…

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