September Harvest Moon Eclipse Werewolf Warning!

The Harvest Moon of September is sometimes called the Pumpkin Moon due to the almost orange hue it may have. This large low lying Moon is Mother Nature’s gift to farmers as they go about the titanic task of harvesting their final crops of the Summer season.  The extra bright Moon allow for nocturnal agricultural activities during … Read more

Summer Solstice Moon Alert

The Summer Of Love is set to flourish with the first Full Moon to fall on the Summer Solstice since 1967!  When the Strawberry Moon of June falls on the day of the Summer Solstice it then comes under the influence of that celestial event. Expect a general calming effect among all Supernatural Beings who stroll … Read more

Christmas Yule Moon Alert

For the first time since 1977 the Full Moon falls on Christmas Day at the perfect time of 11:11 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).  The Full Moon of December is always known as the Yule Moon in the paranormal community unless other factors should come into play.  This time around it shall be known as The … Read more

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