Thirteen Nights Of Halloween Warning

A Thirteen Nights Of Halloween Warning is in effect from October 19th-October 31st, 2023. Each night will bring ever greater paranormal activity including demons, ghosts, poltergeists, zombies, vampires, and miscellaneous monsters. Random werewolves will transform without a Moon! On Halloween most will transform! Dark witches, wizards, and warlocks will be on the prowl for people … Read more

The Thirteen Nights Of Halloween Warning!

The ominous Orange Alert has been sounded around the supernatural world for The Thirteen Nights Of Halloween have finally arrived! These are the nefarious nights of October 19th through October 31st. Usually The Orange Alert only sounds on Halloween Eve, Samhain, and All Souls Day Of The Dead. Unfortunately, this is an exceptional Halloween season … Read more

A Thirteen Nights Of Halloween Watch Is In Effect!

Throughout the year paranormal activity generally ebbs and flows around mysterious Moons in their fully lit glory. Their metaphysical energies shaping the supernatural destinies of those in its path. Various holidays alter this path as well. The Christmas season often brings a welcome lull in dark entities while those who walk the way of righteousness … Read more

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