The Moon of June is usually the Strawberry or Honey Moon. However, in the supernatural world, 2024 gifts us The Summer Solstice Moon since it falls within 24 hours of the longest day of the year. This majestic Moon falls firmly under the careful command of Summer Goddesses. The enchanted energy of this lunar cycle is not only influenced by glorious Goddesses but also by the dimensions of Heavenly light. During the Summer Solstice, the veil between our reality and that of righteous realms is at its thinnest. This allows Mother Earth’s Paradise Plane and Heaven’s Angels to be far more in phase with our physical world. These fantastic factors facilitate docile Werewolves. Although we shouldn’t expect the friendly Werewolves you might see under a Holy Moon. This would only occur if it were exactly on the Solstice.🐺
The Werewolves Of The Summer Solstice
Thankfully, Werewolves won’t actively be on the prowl for prey. They will only be a danger if provoked or under the direct control of a wicked witch or warlock. In some cases, a demon could possess them for their own disturbing purposes. Luckily, these are far-fetched scenarios. When you find yourself faced with a wayward Werewolf of ill intent, you may call upon Summer Goddesses, Nymphs, Fairies, and even Elves for aid. Be paranormally prepared if you decide to walk among the dim moonlit shadows by carrying and wearing Werewolf Repellents. In addition to the standard countermeasures, anything summer-related will discourage Werewolves under this particular lunar cycle. This includes any solar imagery [Ad]. The precious gemstones Peridot and Sunstone have a metaphysical connection with the Sun and should provide sufficient paranormal protection when faced with malevolent nocturnal monsters.🌞
A Werewolf Stalks A Goddess
🖼️The image at the top of the page depicts a Werewolf under the Full Summer Solstice Moon at Stonehenge. A Summer Nymph senses the demon-possessed Werewolf stalking her from behind. The rays of light reflected upon her are from a portal to the protective Paradise Plane she has metaphysically manifested. Will she enter in time to escape the hairy horror of Hell? In the distance, you can barely see a Leprechaun witnessing the spectacle. Could he be ready to step in with his fantastic fortune?🍀