The Summer Of Love is set to flourish with the first Full Moon to fall on the Summer Solstice since 1967! When the Strawberry Moon of June falls on the day of the Summer Solstice it then comes under the influence of that celestial event. Expect a general calming effect among all Supernatural Beings who stroll through it’s glorious glow! The Witching & Devil’s Hour on the days near this marvelous Moon will find far fewer denizens of darkness rearing their ugly heads! The Summer Solstice is a time of particularly high nature deity activity that include Gods, Goddesses, Fairies, and Nymphs. Those spotting specters are most likely seeing these enchanted entities phasing into our reality from the Paradise Plane to take part in various mystical ceremonies that range from deities passing the torch of Spring to Summer along with various supernatural beings ascending to a higher status.
Werewolves transforming under a Summer Solstice Moon will be quite docile unless influenced by a malicious entity such as a demon or even an Underworld God. The demonic DNA of a Werewolf is temporarily warped in a wondrous way to reflect the nearest agents of Goddess Gaia Mother Earth. Despite this you should still exercise caution if you spot a Werewolf. However don’t be alarmed if one runs up to you, and begins slobbering upon your person like an exuberant puppy! Simply don’t show fear, and continue to walk along slowly until it loses interest. A quiet prayer to any God or Goddess will cause a nature deity to lure it away! The peaceful power of this Summer Solstice Strawberry Moon will fade gradually as it goes below 100% of full. Since Werewolves can transform with a minimum of 80% of full you should be aware that the vicious demonic Werewolf personality may surface at times beyond today!
Humans can also expect to feel a calming peace from this sensational Summer Moon! It will aid in healing Chakra’s thereby recharging metaphysical energy which in turn boosts physical, mental, and emotional health! Those with special powers, and abilities will notice a temporary increase in said powers for at least the next few weeks! It’s also rumored that this same Moon in 1967 was responsible for the creation of the Hippie, and the so called Summer Of Love. However It’s thought that it was a combination of a release from the repressive 1950’s, a stronger Goddess Gaia, and more practitioners of magic calling upon Moon & Summer Goddesses. The next Summer Solstice Moon is set for 2062.
Update: The 2016 Summer Solstice was quite peaceful even during the Witching & Devil’s Hours! Although there’s no evidence of a 1967 style cultural rebirth.