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Valentines Moon Werewolf Warning
In the supernatural world, the Full Moon of February is most often known as the Ice Moon. This is due to it usually coming under the command of Winter Gods…
The Woeful Wolf Moon Werewolf Warning
The enchanted energies of this January’s Wolf Moon are under the command of various Wolf Deities of indigenous people. Native American Gods in particular have strong sway over lunar luminosity….
Yule Moon Werewolf Alert
The mainstream world calls the Full Moon of December the Cold Moon for obvious reasons. However, in the paranormal realm, it is almost always known as the Yule Moon. This…
Cyber Monday Digital Demon Warning
So maybe you skipped the frightening shopping frenzy of Black Friday to avoid the dangers of being injured by hordes of human shoppers, zombies, vampires, and the Demon God Of Greed…
Dark Blood Moon Eclipse Werewolf Warning
The Full Moon of November is normally the Dark Moon in the supernatural world. In the mainstream community, it is often referred to as the Beaver Moon. It exudes the…
Halloween Blood Moon Werewolf Warning
Virtually every October Full Moon is the Blood Moon. A diabolical celestial event whose lunar energies are controlled by the demons of Hell and the dark deities of the Underworld….