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Friday The 13th Demonic Werewolf Warning
Friday The 13th is one of the few days certain ArchDemons are let loose from hell. Archdemons are powerful fallen Archangels who now dwell in the bloody sea of eternal…
Friday The 13 Demon Specter & Poltergeist Warning!
Friday the 13th is tomorrow, and the day itself isn’t necessarily bad luck. However the heightened fears, and anxiety let loose into the collective human consciousness due to paraskevidekatriaphobia attracts…
January Wolf Moon Werewolf Warning
The January Wolf moon is probably the most dangerous full moon of the entire year due to all Werewolves uncharacteristically teeming up into violent packs to terrorize humanity during the long…
Baby New Year Alert
The Baby New Year 2012 was born on schedule of precisely 12:00 AM on January 1, 2012. He fell into the arms of his temporary Earthly dad, Father Time 2011. …
Father Time Watch
Be on the look out for the great Father Time as he wraps up his duties for the year 2011, and tracks down the mystical birth location of the Baby…
A Message To All Werewolves & Werewolf Lovers
We recently received a communication from an extremely agitated individual who was angered over our eradication of the Werewolf menace. They did not take kindly to us taking down their…