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All Souls Day Of The Dead Warning
November 2nd All Souls Day & Day Of The Dead provide for some of the most prolific metaphysical activity of the year. Second only to Halloween itself. A great deal…
All Saints Day Angel Alert
Tomorrow is All Saints Day, aka Hallowmas, which is a day of rest after the hellish horrors of Halloween. After the number one day of maliciously manifested evil the non-intervention…
Halloween Paranormal Activity Warning
Halloween is almost always the most dangerous night of the year for humans as the world of the supernatural runs amok. The veil between life, and death exponentially increased spiritual…
Blood Moon Eclipse Warning
The blasphemous Blood Moon of the Halloween season is upon us with a penumbral lunar eclipse twist. The Blood Moon is a general magnifier of malevolent powers among all manner…
Harvest And Storm Moon Werewolf Watch
Most of our forecasts over the years tended to be for the Northern Hemisphere but our good friends to the south have made their voices heard. So we will now…
Blue Moon Warning
We are issuing a Blue Moon warning for the entire planet. This particular Blue Moon is seasonal in nature rather than being a second full Moon in a month. This…