Virtually every October Full Moon is the Blood Moon. A diabolical celestial event whose lunar energies are controlled by the demons of Hell and the dark deities of the Underworld. This creates much more powerfully ferocious Werewolves! The mad Moon also falls within The 13 Nights Of Halloween. A time of prolific paranormal activity around the world. Particularly that of the living dead as the veil between life and death grows thin as we get closer to Halloween.
Wayward Werewolves Straight Through Halloween!
The paranormal power of this Moon combined with that of Halloween itself will give us Werewolf activity all the way until Midnight on November 1st All Saints Day! Even with the Moon only illuminated to 16% of Full on October 31st we will still have Werewolves roaming the night hunting humans for dinner! There’s also been a dramatic increase in Zombies rising from graves. We recommend staying indoors from dusk to dawn except on Halloween itself during the time of Trick-O-Treating. The Spirit Of Halloween offers protection to those who partake of the hallowed holiday traditions. Kids are especially safe against the world of the supernatural during this time. Stay Safe And Happy Halloween!🎃