Friday The 13th June Honey Moon Specter & Werewolf Warning

The Full Honey Moon of June is upon us with a rare foreboding Friday The 13th twist!  The Honey Moon of June gets it’s name from it’s honey hued appearance due to the Moon being at it’s lowest on the horizon thereby collecting more scattered sunlight through the atmosphere.  In addition June is the number … Read more

Friday The 13th Devil And Werewolf Warning

If the Devil now walking among us in a human like form wasn’t bad enough we now have another Friday The 13th among us.   A day of dark energies permeated with bad luck that the Devil uses for his own nefarious purposes.  Supernatural intel tells us that at least two Archdemons are ascending from Hell … Read more

Friday The 13th Demonic Werewolf Warning

Friday The 13th is one of the few days certain ArchDemons are let loose from hell.  Archdemons are powerful fallen Archangels who now dwell in the bloody sea of eternal evil.  Once in our reality they seek out violent rage filled paranormal creatures.  Since the moon is still above 80% full, Werewolves are the top … Read more

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