Dark Luck Super Storm Moon Werewolf Warning

The Full Moon of March is usually known as the Storm Moon due to the turbulent weather involved in the transition from winter to spring. Some call it the Worm Moon due to springs thawing soils causing Earthworms to burrow forth. Theoretically, this Moon should have been lucky due to being virtually a week away … Read more

Friday The 13th Warning!

Friday The 13th spawns global Paraskevidekatriaphobia, aka the fear of Friday The 13th, along with Triskaidekaphobia, fear of the number 13 itself.  These fears foment into a sub-conscious spirit within the human collective consciousness causing increased bad luck, and dark metaphysical energies.  Thankfully like many spontaneous spirits created by the human collective thought process, it’s not a conscious sentient … Read more

Friday The 13th Clurichaun Double Dark Luck Warning

Friday The 13th is already a day when bad luck flourishes in the spirit mind of the human collective consciousness.  However since this is the second Friday The 13th in a row, courtesy of February’s Thirteenth Day, we will now be seeing the rare phenomenon of Double Dark Luck.  This despite us being in the … Read more

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