The Terrenceville Terrors

Somewhere in Southwest Colorado lies the forgotten ghost town of Terrenceville where a nearby Insane Asylum was de-funded by the State Government in 1903. Asylum Director Shawn Adams let loose all the kooks rather than cooperating with a procedural transfer to another facility. It was an act of revenge for the loss of his prestigious … Read more

Crazy Calamitous Killer Clown

As mentioned in our previous post Vice-President Rebecca Abernathy, and I attended Zack Powers High School Career Day to speak about our experiences as paranormal investigators.  The sessions were rather productive, and I’m confident we recruited a good number of future supernatural saviors to protect humanity from the dangers of our paranormal planet. Although Zack … Read more

The Hathaway Waylay

Our esteemed colleague, Psychic Julia Hathaway, was out jogging in the Mystical Forest Monday morning before work, when she hears a man screaming in agony.  She finds a blond haired man in his early 40’s lying in a gully.  He identified himself as Landon Oliver.  He’d apparently fell off the edge of the crushed stone trail, … Read more

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